I am studying clean architecture and am trying various designs and implementations. There was an article that looked good on the subject, and I tried to redesign and reimplement with a clean architecture in mind. I wrote it in the comment section of the original article, but since it's a big deal, I will organize the design process etc. and make it an article. Subject: java I tried to break a simple block --Qiita
I don't think class extraction is that difficult because game programs can classify appearances.
The class diagram is shown below.
I tried to color-code the background according to the figure famous for its clean architecture.
I didn't write it on the class diagram because I made it an anonymous class, but how should I write it ...
BreakoutGameView Converts the game state to a graphic display.
Splash A splash screen that is displayed for a short time at startup.
Use Case Output Port uses Entities's, but is it a foul?
A group of classes that have data such as location information, size information, and color information.
There is also a data output interface that can replace getters. (Red interface in yellow) I think the real pleasure of a clean architecture is to provide a data output interface (Output Port) and reverse the dependencies.
Furthermore, I abstracted the bounced object as Bounder and the bounced object (ball) as Boundee so that it can be processed independently of the concrete class.
The splash screen, block arrangement and multiple ball arrangement are matched to the original work. My policy is to keep 25 lines or less per method so that you can see it on one screen of the terminal.
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Random;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import javax.swing.*;
public class Breakout extends JFrame {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Breakout breakout = new Breakout();
private final Splash splash = new Splash();
private final BreakoutGame game = new BreakoutGame();
private final BreakoutGameView view = new BreakoutGameView(game);
private final CardLayout card = new CardLayout(0, 0);
private Timer timer = null;
public Breakout() {
Container pane = getContentPane();
pane.add(splash, "splash");
pane.add(view, "play");
private void setupControllers() {
view.addMouseMotionListener(new MouseMotionAdapter() {
public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent event) {
public void playAfterSplash(int sec) {
card.show(getContentPane(), "splash");
timer = new javax.swing.Timer(sec * 1000, (e) -> {
timer = null;
public void play() {
if (timer != null) timer.stop();
card.show(getContentPane(), "play");
timer = new javax.swing.Timer(50, (e) -> {
if (game.isClear() || game.isOver()) {
timer = null;
class Splash extends JPanel {
public void paint(Graphics g) {
g.setFont(new Font("TimeRoman", Font.CENTER_BASELINE, 30));
g.drawString("Breakout", 300, 200);
g.drawString("It will start in 5 seconds!", 250, 300);
g.drawString("The time limit is 30 seconds", 250, 400);
g.drawString("Move the mouse sideways to bounce the ball", 125, 500);
g.drawString("The tip of the arrow below is the initial position of the mouse", 100, 600);
g.drawString("↓", 425, 700);
class BreakoutGameView extends JPanel {
private final BreakoutGame game;
public BreakoutGameView(BreakoutGame game) {
this.game = game;
setPreferredSize(new Dimension(game.WIDTH, game.HEIGHT));
public void paint(Graphics g) {
if (game.isClear()) {
} else if (game.isOver()) {
private void paintBalls(Graphics g) {
game.viewBalls((x, y, size) -> g.fillOval(x, y, size, size));
private void paintWalls(Graphics g) {
final int[] offset = {0, -16, -8};
final int blockWidth = 26, blockHeight = 10, gapX = 6, gapY = 5;
game.viewWalls((wallX, wallY, wallWidth, wallHeight) -> {
for (int y = wallY, iy = 0; y < wallY + wallHeight; y += blockHeight + gapY, iy++) {
for (int blockX = wallX + offset[iy % offset.length]; blockX < wallX + wallWidth; blockX += blockWidth + gapX) {
int x = blockX;
int width = blockWidth;
int height = blockHeight;
if (x < wallX) {
x = wallX;
width -= wallX - blockX;
} else if (x + blockWidth >= wallX + wallWidth) {
width = wallX + wallWidth - x;
if (wallY + height >= wallY + wallHeight) {
height = wallY + wallHeight - y;
g.fillRect(x, y, width, height);
private void paintBlocks(Graphics g) {
game.viewBlocks((x, y, width, height, color) -> {
g.fillRect(x, y, width, height);
private void paintRacket(Graphics g) {
game.viewRacket((x, y, width, height) -> g.fillRect(x, y, width, height));
private void paintGameClear(Graphics g) {
g.setFont(new Font("TimeRoman", Font.BOLD, 50));
g.drawString("Game Clear!", 300, 550);
private void paintGameOver(Graphics g) {
g.setFont(new Font("TimeRoman", Font.BOLD, 50));
g.drawString("Game Over!", 300, 550);
class BreakoutGame {
public static final int WIDTH = 855;
public static final int HEIGHT = 800;
public static final int WALL = 40;
private final Court court;
private final Racket racket;
private final List<Block> blocks;
private final List<Ball> balls;
private final Random rand = new Random();
public BreakoutGame() {
court = new Court(WIDTH, HEIGHT, WALL);
racket = new Racket(WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT - 110, 120, 5, WALL, WIDTH - WALL);
blocks = makeBlocks();
balls = Arrays.asList(makeBalls());
private List<Block> makeBlocks() {
List<Block> blocks = new ArrayList<>();
addBlocks(blocks, 60, 40, 16, 40, 48, 8, 4, Color.YELLOW, 3);
addBlocks(blocks, 300, 40, 16, 40, 16, 8, 3, Color.GREEN, 2);
addBlocks(blocks, 450, 40, 16, 40, 16, 8, 1, Color.GRAY, Block.UNBREAKABLE);
addBlocks(blocks, 600, 40, 16, 40, 16, 9, 4, Color.CYAN, 1);
return blocks;
private void addBlocks(List<Block> blocks, int topY,
int width, int height, int gapX, int gapY,
int cols, int rows, Color color, int strength) {
int topX = (WIDTH - width * cols - gapX * (cols - 1)) / 2;
int endY = topY + (height + gapY) * rows;
int endX = topX + (width + gapX) * cols;
for (int y = topY; y < endY; y += height + gapY) {
for (int x = topX; x < endX; x += width + gapX) {
blocks.add(new Block(x, y, width, height, color, strength));
private Ball[] makeBalls() {
return new Ball[] {
makeBall(250, 5, -6, 7),
makeBall(260, -5, -3, 10),
makeBall(420, 4, 6, 8),
makeBall(480, -5, 2, 10),
makeBall(590, 5, -6, 11),
makeBall(550, -5, -3, 12),
makeBall(570, 4, 6, 13),
makeBall(480, -5, 2, 14),
makeBall(490, 5, -6, 8),
makeBall(400, -5, -3, 8),
makeBall(350, 4, 6, 9),
makeBall(400, -5, 2, 10),
makeBall(390, -5, -3, 10),
makeBall(500, 4, 6, 10),
makeBall(530, -5, 2, 7),
private Ball makeBall(int y, int vx, int vy, int size) {
return new Ball(40 + rand.nextInt(700), y, vx, vy, size);
public boolean isClear() {
return blocks.stream().allMatch(block -> block.isClear());
public boolean isOver() {
return balls.stream().allMatch(ball -> ball.isDead());
public void moveRacket(int x) {
public void update() {
for (var ball: balls) {
ball.bound(racket); // ball bound racket after bounding blocks
public void viewWalls(WallViewer viewer) {
public void viewBlocks(BlockViewer viewer) {
blocks.forEach(block -> block.view(viewer));
public void viewRacket(RacketViewer viewer) {
public void viewBalls(BallViewer viewer) {
balls.forEach(ball -> ball.view(viewer));
class Bounder {
protected Rectangle rect;
public Bounder(int x, int y, int width, int height) {
this.rect = new Rectangle(x, y, width, height);
public boolean isHit(int x, int y) {
return this.rect.contains(x, y);
public void hit() {
// default: nothing to do
public void view(BounderViewer viewer) {
viewer.view(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);
interface BounderViewer {
public void view(int x, int y, int width, int height);
class Court {
private final Wall up, left, right;
public Court(int width, int height, int wall) {
up = new Wall(0, 0, width, wall);
left = new Wall(0, 0, wall, height);
right = new Wall(width - wall, 0, wall, height);
public boolean isHit(int x, int y) {
return up.isHit(x, y) || left.isHit(x, y) || right.isHit(x, y);
public void rebound(Boundee boundee) {
public void viewWalls(WallViewer viewer) {
class Wall extends Bounder {
public Wall(int x, int y, int width, int height) {
super(x, y, width, height);
interface WallViewer extends BounderViewer {
class Block extends Bounder {
public static final int UNBREAKABLE = -1;
private static final int BROKEN = 0;
private final Color color;
private int strength;
public Block(int x, int y, int width, int height, Color color, int strength) {
super(x, y, width, height);
this.color = color;
this.strength = strength;
public boolean isHit(int x, int y) {
return isBroken() ? false : super.isHit(x, y);
public void hit() {
if (strength > 0) strength--;
public boolean isBroken() {
return strength == BROKEN;
public boolean isClear() {
return strength <= 0;
public void view(BlockViewer viewer) {
if (!isBroken()) {
viewer.view(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height, color);
interface BlockViewer {
public void view(int x, int y, int width, int height, Color color);
class Racket extends Bounder {
public static final int SPEED = 5;
private final int left, right;
public Racket(int centerX, int centerY, int width, int height,
int limitLeft, int limitRight) {
super(centerX - width / 2, centerY - height / 2, width, height);
left = limitLeft;
right = limitRight - width;
public void move(int x) {
x -= rect.width / 2;
rect.x = x < left ? left
: x > right ? right
: x;
interface RacketViewer extends BounderViewer {
interface Boundee {
public void bound(Bounder bounder);
class Ball implements Boundee {
private int x, y, vx, vy;
private final int size, r;
private boolean alive = true;
public Ball(int x, int y, int vx, int vy, int size) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.vx = vx;
this.vy = vy;
this.size = size | 1; // always odd
this.r = this.size / 2;
public void move(int bottomY) {
if (alive) {
x += vx;
y += vy;
alive = y - r < bottomY;
public void bound(Bounder bounder) {
boolean up = bounder.isHit(x, y - r);
boolean down = bounder.isHit(x, y + r);
boolean left = bounder.isHit(x - r, y);
boolean right = bounder.isHit(x + r, y);
boolean up_left = bounder.isHit(x - r, y - r);
boolean up_right = bounder.isHit(x + r, y - r);
boolean down_left = bounder.isHit(x - r, y + r);
boolean down_right = bounder.isHit(x + r, y + r);
if (vy < 0 && up && !bounder.isHit(x, y - r - vy) ||
vy > 0 && down && !bounder.isHit(x, y + r - vy)) {
vy *= -1;
} else if (vx < 0 && left && !bounder.isHit(x - r - vx, y - r) ||
vx > 0 && right && !bounder.isHit(x + r - vx, y - r)) {
vx *= -1;
} else if (up_left && vx < 0 && vy < 0 ||
up_right && vx > 0 && vy < 0 ||
down_left && vx < 0 && vy > 0 ||
down_right && vx > 0 && vy > 0) {
vy *= -1;
vx *= -1;
public boolean isDead() {
return !alive;
public void view(BallViewer viewer) {
viewer.view(x - r, y - r, size);
interface BallViewer {
public void view(int x, int y, int size);
I wrote a controller in the inner class inside the Breakout class which is the UI, but I'm not sure if this is okay. If you have any advice on how to do this, please leave a comment.
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