Make a digging maze with Ruby2D

IMAGE ALT TEXT HERE I tried to implement a "drilling maze" using Gem "Ruby2D". You can see the "road" gradually growing in real time. The above image is linked to a YouTube video.



require "ruby2d"

L = 20    #The size of the maze
W = L * 2 + 3

Block_w = 10   #The size of one block
set width: W * Block_w, height: W * Block_w, fps_cap: 10

blocks = {|y| {|x| x: x * Block_w, y: y * Block_w,
               size: Block_w, color: "green"

field = {, 1)}
#Place a "sentinel"
field[0] = field[-1] =, -1)
(1..W - 2).each {|y| field[y][0] = field[y][-1] = -1}

field.define_singleton_method(:show) do
  each_index do |y|
    self[y].each_index do |x|
      self[y][x].zero? ? blocks[y][x].remove : blocks[y][x].add

start = [2, 2]
stack = [start]
show_stack = [start]

dig = ->(now) {
  movable = []
  [[1, 0], [0, -1], [-1, 0], [0, 1]].each do |dx, dy|
    x = now[0] + dx * 2
    y = now[1] + dy * 2
    movable << [x, y] if field[y][x] == 1
  if movable.empty?
    return if stack.empty?
    jump = stack.delete_at(rand(stack.size))
    nxt = movable.sample
    show_stack << [(now[0] + nxt[0]) / 2, (now[1] + nxt[1]) / 2]
    show_stack << nxt
    stack << nxt

update do
  now = show_stack.shift
  next unless now
  field[now[1]][now[0]] = 0
  dig.(now) if show_stack.empty?


I will briefly explain the methods of Ruby2D.

--set Set the size of the window, etc. Create an object that represents a square. Objects can be shown or hidden by adding .add`` .remove. --ʻUpdate The block is updated in a certain period of time (usually 60fps). Here, it is displayed at 10 fps. --show` Enter the main loop.

The digging itself is implemented by simple recursion. If the array variable field represents a maze and the value is 0, it means that there is a "way". There are "sentinels" around, so that there is no "road" outside.

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