java I tried to break a simple block


I will post to Qiita for the first time today. To be honest, I'm confused because I don't know what to do below, but for the time being, I'd like to post every day as much as possible to improve my programming language skills. Thank you

Why did you decide to post to Qiita?

To be honest, I want to add it as an appealing point in job hunting. Even if I was told that I wanted to be an engineer without being able to do anything as it is, I knew that it would fall, so at least I wanted to post it on Qiita and disclose how much my ability is. From now on, I would like to continue posting so that progress can be made only in the areas of my interest.

Why did you decide to make a breakout

I wanted to post the games I made in the past here because I wanted to make them freely as a school task. I also love breakout games, Tetris and Puyo Puyo, so I wanted to make a retro game.

Breakout rules

Anyone who has done breakout will know, but it is necessary to devise so that a certain ball is hit back with a racket or bar and does not fall to the bottom of the screen. When you hit back, you hit the ball against the block and erase all the blocks, or when you erase the block, you add points. It's a very simple game, but it was very difficult to make. breakout.png As shown in the image, this is an example of a breakout. Since it's boring with just one, I changed the size, speed, and number of balls. It deviates at this point, but for the time being, it's like that. The block is also made to disappear by the number of times the ball hits. If it is as shown in the image, yellow is 3 times, blue is 1 time, green is 2 times. Black is not erased no matter how many times it hits. The time limit can be set arbitrarily. However, there was a deadline for submitting assignments, so I should have counted the number of blocks after the game time limit, but I couldn't make it in time and the result was halfway. It was always displayed as game clear and the condition of failure could not be established. Therefore, I will post it several times to improve it.

Reference site Breakout was made by this site. Please refer to here for the basic algorithm. Some are pretty much the same, but really straightforward. Thank you very much.

java environment

java version "12.0.1" 2019-04-16 Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 12.0.1+12) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 12.0.1+12, mixed mode, sharing)

Program code

Now that we have nearly 900 lines, I would like to explain the articles separately. I don't think I'll get tired of that ...

import javax.swing.Timer;
import java.awt.Color;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.text.ParseException;

public class TimerTest1 extends JFrame {
 static int x=855;
static int y=800;
    private Timer timer;
    private int countdown_sec = 5;
    private CardLayout card = new CardLayout(0, 0);

    public static void main(String[] args) throws ParseException {
          TimerTest1 frame = new TimerTest1();
          frame.getContentPane().setBackground(new Color(0, 0, 0));
    TimerTest1() {
        setTitle("title screen");
        JPanel panel = new Draw();
        //JPanel labelPanel = new JPanel();
        //JLabel label = new JLabel();
        JPanel game_over = new breakout();
        add(panel,"Character drawing");
       // labelPanel.add(label);
        timer = new Timer(1000, (e) -> {
            if (countdown_sec ==0){
              add(game_over, "gameover_window");
    public void showPanel(String name) {, name);
    public static class Draw extends JPanel{
    public   void paintComponent(Graphics g){
    public static  void draw(Graphics g){
      g.setFont(new Font("TimeRoman", Font.CENTER_BASELINE, 30));
      g.drawString("Breakout",300 , 200);
      g.drawString("It will start in 5 seconds!", 250, 300); 
      g.drawString("The time limit is 30 seconds", 250, 400); 
      g.drawString("Move the mouse sideways to bounce the ball", 125, 500);  
      g.drawString("The tip of the arrow below is the initial position of the mouse", 100, 600); 
      g.drawString("↓",425 , 700);

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.Timer;
import java.util.TimerTask;

   public class breakout extends JPanel implements MouseMotionListener{
       static int countball =15;
   Racket racket;
   Ball[] ball;
   Block[] block;
   Unbreakblock[] block1;
   Twobreakblock[] block2;
   Threebreakblock[] block3;

   double time;
   int remain=37;
   boolean gameover=false;
   static int x=855;
   static int y=800;
   static int size =15;
   static final int NUM_BLOCK_ROW = 4;
   //Number of columns in the block
    static final int NUM_BLOCK_COL = 9;
   //Number of blocks
    static final int NUM_BLOCK = NUM_BLOCK_ROW * NUM_BLOCK_COL;
    static final int NUM_BLOCK_ROW1 = 8;

    static final int NUM_BLOCK_COL1 = 1;
    static final int NUM_BLOCK1 = NUM_BLOCK_ROW1 * NUM_BLOCK_COL1;
    static final int NUM_BLOCK_ROW2 = 8;

    static final int NUM_BLOCK_COL2 = 3;
    static final int NUM_BLOCK2 = NUM_BLOCK_ROW2 * NUM_BLOCK_COL2;
    static final int NUM_BLOCK_ROW3 = 8;

    static final int NUM_BLOCK_COL3 = 4;
    static final int NUM_BLOCK3 = NUM_BLOCK_ROW3 * NUM_BLOCK_COL3;
    static final int SumBlock=  NUM_BLOCK+NUM_BLOCK2+NUM_BLOCK3;
    //Creating a 2D map
      private char[][] map;
       private int MX = 20, MY = 18;
       private String[] map_str = {
       "                   B",
       "                   B",
       "                   B",
       "                   B",
       "                   B",
       "                   B",
       "                   B",
       "                   B",
       "                   B",
       "                   B",
       "                   B",
       "                   B",
       "                   B",
       "                   B",
       "                   B",
       "                   B",
       "                   B",
       "                   B",
       "                   B",                        
       public breakout(){
        time = System.currentTimeMillis() * 0.001 + remain; 
           racket =new Racket();
           ball =  new Ball[countball];
           Random rand = new Random();
           int n=countball;
            int num[] = new int [n];
      for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
            num[i]= 40+rand.nextInt(700);
           ball[0]=new Ball(num[0],250,5,-6,7);
           ball[1]=new Ball(num[1],260,-5,-3,10);
           ball[2]=new Ball(num[2],420,4,6,8);
           ball[3]=new Ball(num[3],480,-5,2,10);
           ball[4]=new Ball(num[4],590,5,-6,11);
           ball[5]=new Ball(num[5],550,-5,-3,12);
           ball[6]=new Ball(num[6],570,4,6,13);
           ball[7]=new Ball(num[7],480,-5,2,14);
           ball[8]=new Ball(num[8],490,5,-6,8);
           ball[9]=new Ball(num[9],400,-5,-3,8);
           ball[10]=new Ball(num[10], 350,4,6,9);
           ball[11]=new Ball(num[11],400,-5,2,10);
           ball[12]=new Ball(num[12],390,-5,-3,10);
           ball[13]=new Ball(num[13],500,4,6,10);
           ball[14]=new Ball(num[14],530,-5,2,7);
           block = new Block[NUM_BLOCK];
           block1 = new Unbreakblock[NUM_BLOCK1];
          block2 = new Twobreakblock[NUM_BLOCK2];
           block3 =new Threebreakblock[NUM_BLOCK3];
           for (int i = 0; i < NUM_BLOCK_ROW; i++) {
               for (int j = 0; j < NUM_BLOCK_COL; j++) {
                   int x =2* j * Block.WIDTH + Block.WIDTH+50;
                   int y =2* i * Block.HEIGHT + Block.HEIGHT+600;
                   block[i * NUM_BLOCK_COL + j] = new Block(x, y);
           for ( int c = 0; c < NUM_BLOCK_ROW1; c++) {
               for (int d = 0; d < NUM_BLOCK_COL1; d++) {
                   int a = 2*c *  Unbreakblock.WIDTH1 +  Unbreakblock.WIDTH1+50;
                   int b = d *  Unbreakblock.HEIGHT1 +  Unbreakblock.HEIGHT1+450;
                   block1[d * NUM_BLOCK_COL1 + c] = new  Unbreakblock(a, b);
           for ( int c = 0; c < NUM_BLOCK_ROW2; c++) {
               for (int d = 0; d < NUM_BLOCK_COL2; d++) {
                   int a = 2*c *  Twobreakblock.WIDTH2 +  Twobreakblock.WIDTH2+50;
                   int b = 2*d *  Twobreakblock.HEIGHT2 +  Twobreakblock.HEIGHT2+300;
                   block2[c* NUM_BLOCK_COL2 + d] = new  Twobreakblock(a, b);
         for ( int c = 0; c < NUM_BLOCK_ROW3; c++) {
               for (int d = 0; d < NUM_BLOCK_COL3; d++) {
                   int a =2* c * Threebreakblock.WIDTH3 +  Threebreakblock.WIDTH3+50;
                   int b = 5*d * Threebreakblock.HEIGHT3 +  Threebreakblock.HEIGHT3+60;
                   block3[c * NUM_BLOCK_COL3 + d] = new  Threebreakblock(a, b);
          TimeBomb timeBomb = new TimeBomb();
           Timer timer = new Timer();
           timer.schedule(timeBomb,  5000);
           map = new char[MY+2][MX+2];
           for (int x = 0; x <= MX+1; x++) {
             map[0][x] = 'B'; 
             map[MY+1][x] = 'B';
           for (int y = 0; y <= MY+1; y++) {
             map[y][0] = 'B'; 
             map[y][MX+1] = 'B';
           for (int y = 1; y <= MY; y++) {
               for (int x = 1; x <= MX; x++) {
                 map[y][x] = map_str[y-1].charAt(x-1);
       public void displayTime(Graphics g) {
        if ( gameover ) {
          g.setFont(new Font("TimeRoman", Font.BOLD, 50));
          g.drawString("GAME CLEAR", 250, 550); 
          for(int j=0;j<countball;j++){
            int ballsize =ball[j].Size();
        } else {
         int dt = (int) (time - System.currentTimeMillis() * 0.001);
          g.setFont(new Font("TimeRoman", Font.BOLD, 50));
          g.drawString("Time: " + dt+"  ",300, 550);
                 if ( dt == 0 ) gameover = true;
      class TimeBomb extends TimerTask  {
       public void run(){
               for(int j=0;j<countball;j++){
                  //Racket and ball collision processing
            int collidePos0 = racket.collideWith(ball[j]);
            //If you hit the racket
            if (collidePos0 != Racket.NO_COLLISION4) {
                //Change the speed of the ball according to the position where the ball hits
                switch (collidePos0) {
                    case Racket.LEFT4:
                        //I want to reflect to the left when it hits the left side of the racket
                        //If the ball is moving to the right, flip it to the left
                        //If you go to the left, leave it as it is
                        if (ball[j].getVX() > 0) ball[j].boundX();
                    case Racket.RIGHT4:
                        //I want to reflect to the right when it hits the right side of the racket
                        //If the ball is moving to the left, flip it to the right
                        //If you go to the right, leave it as it is
                        if (ball[j].getVX() < 0) ball[j].boundX();
               for (int i = 0; i < NUM_BLOCK; i++) {
                   //Ignore blocks that have already disappeared
                   if (block[i].isDeleted())
                   //Calculate the position where the block hits
                   int collidePos = block[i].collideWith(ball[j]);
                   //If you hit the block
                   if (collidePos != Block.NO_COLLISION) {
                       //Calculate the reflection direction of the ball from the position where the ball hits
                       switch (collidePos) {
                           case Block.DOWN :
                           case Block.UP :
                           case Block.LEFT :
                           case Block.RIGHT :
                           case Block.UP_LEFT :
                           case Block.UP_RIGHT :
                           case Block.DOWN_LEFT :
                           case Block.DOWN_RIGHT :
                       break; //Only one block can be broken at a time
               for (int i = 0; i < NUM_BLOCK1; i++) {
                   int collidePos1 = block1[i].collideWith(ball[j]);
                   if ( collidePos1 !=Unbreakblock.NO_COLLISION1) {
                       switch (collidePos1) {
                           case Unbreakblock.DOWN1 :
                           case Unbreakblock.UP1 :
                           case Unbreakblock.LEFT1 :
                           case Unbreakblock.RIGHT1 :
                           case Unbreakblock.UP_LEFT1 :
                           case Unbreakblock.UP_RIGHT1 :
                           case Unbreakblock.DOWN_LEFT1 :
                           case Unbreakblock.DOWN_RIGHT1 :
               for (int i = 0; i < NUM_BLOCK2; i++) {
                   if (block2[i].isDeleted()){
                   int collidePos2 = block2[i].collideWith(ball[j]);
                   if ( collidePos2 !=Twobreakblock.NO_COLLISION2) {
                       switch (collidePos2) {
                           case Twobreakblock.DOWN2 :
                           case Twobreakblock.UP2 :
                           case Twobreakblock.LEFT2 :
                           case Twobreakblock.RIGHT2 :
                           case Twobreakblock.UP_LEFT2 :
                           case Twobreakblock.UP_RIGHT2 :
                           case Twobreakblock.DOWN_LEFT2 :
                           case Twobreakblock.DOWN_RIGHT2 :

              for (int i = 0; i < NUM_BLOCK3; i++) {
               if (block3[i].isDeleted()){
                   int collidePos3 = block3[i].collideWith(ball[j]);
                   if ( collidePos3 !=Threebreakblock.NO_COLLISION3) {
                       switch (collidePos3) {
                           case Threebreakblock.DOWN3 :
                           case Threebreakblock.UP3 :
                           case Threebreakblock.LEFT3 :
                           case Threebreakblock.RIGHT3 :
                           case Threebreakblock.UP_LEFT3 :
                           case Threebreakblock.UP_RIGHT3 :
                           case Threebreakblock.DOWN_LEFT3 :
                           case Threebreakblock.DOWN_RIGHT3 :
               try {
               }catch(InterruptedException e){
       public void paintComponent(Graphics g){
           for(int i=0;i<countball;i++){
           for (int i=0;i<NUM_BLOCK;i++){
           for (int i=0;i<NUM_BLOCK1;i++){
          for (int i=0;i<NUM_BLOCK2;i++){
           for (int i=0;i<NUM_BLOCK3;i++){
               for (int y = 0; y <= MY; y++) {
                 for (int x = 0; x <= MX; x++) {
                   int xx = 40*x, yy = 40*y;
                   switch ( map[y][x] ) {
                     //Drawing blocks
             case 'B':  g.setColor(;
                        g.fillRect(xx, yy, 26, 10);
                        g.fillRect(xx+32, yy, 8, 10);
                        g.fillRect(xx, yy+15, 10, 10);
                        g.fillRect(xx+16, yy+15, 24, 10);
                        g.fillRect(xx, yy+30, 18, 10);
                        g.fillRect(xx+24, yy+30, 16, 10);
       public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e){
          int x =e.getX();
       public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e){

        class Racket {
       public int width =120;
       public static  int height = 5;
       public static final int NO_COLLISION4 = 0;  //Non-collision
       public static final int LEFT4 = 1;
       public static final int RIGHT4 = 2;
                private int center;
        public Racket (){
       center = breakout.x/2;
        public int  collideWith(Ball ball) {
      //Ball collision detection
        Rectangle racketRectLeft = new Rectangle(
               center - width / 2, breakout.y - height-90,
               width/2, height);
               Rectangle racketRectRight = new Rectangle(
                center, breakout.y - height-90,
                width / 2, height);
        Rectangle ballRect = new Rectangle(
               ball.getX(), ball.getY(),
               ball.getSize(), ball.getSize());
        if (racketRectLeft.intersects(ballRect)) {
           return LEFT4;
        else if (racketRectRight.intersects(ballRect)) {
        return RIGHT4;
       return NO_COLLISION4;

        public  void draw (Graphics g){
        g.fillRect(center - width/2,breakout.y-height-90,width,height);
        public void move (int x ){
      center =x;
       if (center<(width/2)+40)
       center =(width/2)+40;
       else if (center > breakout.x - (width / 2)-55) 
           center = breakout.x - (width / 2)-55;
     class Ball  {
      private   int x;
       private  int y;
       private  int vx;
       private  int vy;
       private int size;
       double time;
       int remain=37;
       boolean gameover=false;
       int dt = (int) (time - System.currentTimeMillis() * 0.001);
       Random rand ;
       public Ball(int  x,int y,int vx,int vy,int size ){
     this.size =size;    
     time = System.currentTimeMillis() * 0.001 + remain; 
        public  void draw(Graphics g){
       public int   Size(){
  return size=size-3;
       public void move(){
           if ( gameover ) {
            } else {
            int dt = (int) (time - System.currentTimeMillis() * 0.001);
            x += vx;
            y += vy;
            if ( dt == 0 ) gameover = true;
           if (x < 40 || x > breakout.x - size-60) {
           if (y < 40  ) {
           public void boundX(){
           public void boundY(){
       public int getX(){
           return x;
       public void boundXY(){
       public int getY(){
           return y;
       public int getSize(){
           return size;
       public int getVX(){
           return vx;
       public int getVY(){
           return vy;
    public void setVX(int v){
    public void setVY(int v){
       class Block {
           public static final int WIDTH = 40;
           public static final int HEIGHT = 16;
           public static final int NO_COLLISION = 0; //Non-collision
           public static final int DOWN = 1;
           public static final int LEFT = 2;
           public static final int RIGHT = 3;
           public static final int UP = 4;
           public static final int DOWN_LEFT = 5;
           public static final int DOWN_RIGHT = 6;
           public static final int UP_LEFT = 7;
           public static final int UP_RIGHT = 8;
           //Position (coordinates in the upper left corner)
           private int x, y;
           //Was the ball hit and erased?
           private boolean isDeleted;
           public Block(int x, int y) {
               this.x = x;
               this.y = y;
               isDeleted = false;
           public void draw(Graphics g) {
               g.fillRect(x, y, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
               //Draw a border
               g.drawRect(x, y, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
           public int collideWith(Ball ball) {
               Rectangle blockRect = new Rectangle(x, y, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
               int ballX = ball.getX();
               int ballY = ball.getY();
               int ballSize = ball.getSize();
               if (blockRect.contains(ballX, ballY)
                   && blockRect.contains(ballX + ballSize, ballY)) {
                   //Collision from the bottom of the block = The points on the upper left and upper right of the ball are inside the block
                   return DOWN;
               } else if (blockRect.contains(ballX + ballSize, ballY)
                   && blockRect.contains(ballX + ballSize, ballY + ballSize)) {
                   //Collision from the left of the block = The points on the upper right and lower right of the ball are inside the block
                   return LEFT;
               } else if (blockRect.contains(ballX, ballY)
                   && blockRect.contains(ballX, ballY + ballSize)) {
                   //Collision from the right side of the block = The upper left and lower left points of the ball are inside the block
                   return RIGHT;
               } else if (blockRect.contains(ballX, ballY + ballSize)
                   && blockRect.contains(ballX + ballSize, ballY + ballSize)) {
                   //Collision from the top of the block = The lower left and lower right points of the ball are inside the block
                   return UP;
               } else if (blockRect.contains(ballX + ballSize, ballY)) {
                   //Collision from the lower left of the block = The point on the upper right of the ball is inside the block
                   return DOWN_LEFT;
               } else if (blockRect.contains(ballX, ballY)) {
                   //Collision from the lower right of the block = The upper left point of the ball is inside the block
                   return DOWN_RIGHT;
               } else if (blockRect.contains(ballX + ballSize, ballY + ballSize)) {
                   //Collision from the upper left of the block = The point at the lower right of the ball is inside the block
                   return UP_LEFT;
               } else if (blockRect.contains(ballX, ballY + ballSize)) {
                   //Collision from the upper right of the block = The lower left point of the ball is inside the block
                   return UP_RIGHT;
               return NO_COLLISION;
           public void delete() {
               isDeleted = true;
            public int getX(){
                return x;
            public int getY(){
               return y;
            public boolean isDeleted(){
                return isDeleted;
     interface figure1 {
        public void draw(Graphics g);
        public int collideWith(Ball ball);
        public int getX();
        public int getY();
        public boolean isDeleted();
class Unbreakblock implements figure1 {
   public static final int WIDTH1 = 40;
   public static final int HEIGHT1 = 16;
   public static final int NO_COLLISION1= 0; 
   public static final int DOWN1= 1;
   public static final int LEFT1 = 2;
   public static final int RIGHT1 = 3;
   public static final int UP1 = 4;
   public static final int DOWN_LEFT1 = 5;
   public static final int DOWN_RIGHT1 = 6;
   public static final int UP_LEFT1 = 7;
   public static final int UP_RIGHT1 = 8;
   private int a, b;
   private boolean isDeleted;
   public Unbreakblock(int a, int b) {
       this.a = a;
       this.b = b;
       isDeleted = false;
   public void draw(Graphics g) {
       g.fillRect(a, b, WIDTH1, HEIGHT1);
       g.drawRect(a, b, WIDTH1, HEIGHT1);
   public int collideWith(Ball ball) {
       Rectangle blockRect = new Rectangle(a, b, WIDTH1, HEIGHT1);
       int ballX = ball.getX();
       int ballY = ball.getY();
       int ballSize = ball.getSize();
       if (blockRect.contains(ballX, ballY)
           && blockRect.contains(ballX + ballSize, ballY)) {
           return DOWN1;
       } else if (blockRect.contains(ballX + ballSize, ballY)
           && blockRect.contains(ballX + ballSize, ballY + ballSize)) {
           return LEFT1;
       } else if (blockRect.contains(ballX, ballY)
           && blockRect.contains(ballX, ballY + ballSize)) {
           return RIGHT1;
       } else if (blockRect.contains(ballX, ballY + ballSize)
           && blockRect.contains(ballX + ballSize, ballY + ballSize)) {
           return UP1;
       } else if (blockRect.contains(ballX + ballSize, ballY)) {
           return DOWN_LEFT1;
       } else if (blockRect.contains(ballX, ballY)) {
           return DOWN_RIGHT1;
       } else if (blockRect.contains(ballX + ballSize, ballY + ballSize)) {
           return UP_LEFT1;
       } else if (blockRect.contains(ballX, ballY + ballSize)) {
           return UP_RIGHT1;
       return NO_COLLISION1;
   public void notdelete() {
       isDeleted = false ;
    public int getX(){
        return a;
    public int getY(){
       return b;
    public boolean isDeleted(){
        return isDeleted;
   class Twobreakblock implements figure1 {
       public static final int WIDTH2 = 40;
       public static final int HEIGHT2 = 16;
       public static final int NO_COLLISION2= 0; 
       public static final int DOWN2= 21;
       public static final int LEFT2 = 22;
       public static final int RIGHT2 = 23;
       public static final int UP2 = 24;
       public static final int DOWN_LEFT2 = 25;
       public static final int DOWN_RIGHT2 = 26;
       public static final int UP_LEFT2 = 27;
       public static final int UP_RIGHT2 = 28;
    int a, b;
        int count =2;
       private boolean isDeleted;
       public Twobreakblock(int a, int b) {
           this.a = a;
           this.b = b;
           isDeleted = false;
       public void draw(Graphics g) {
           g.fillRect(a, b, WIDTH2, HEIGHT2);
           g.drawRect(a, b, WIDTH2, HEIGHT2);
       public int collideWith(Ball ball) {
           Rectangle blockRect = new Rectangle(a, b, WIDTH2, HEIGHT2);
           int ballX = ball.getX();
           int ballY = ball.getY();
           int ballSize = ball.getSize();
           if (blockRect.contains(ballX, ballY)
               && blockRect.contains(ballX + ballSize, ballY)) {
               return DOWN2;
           } else if (blockRect.contains(ballX + ballSize, ballY)
               && blockRect.contains(ballX + ballSize, ballY + ballSize)) {
               return LEFT2;
           } else if (blockRect.contains(ballX, ballY)
               && blockRect.contains(ballX, ballY + ballSize)) {
               return RIGHT2;
           } else if (blockRect.contains(ballX, ballY + ballSize)
               && blockRect.contains(ballX + ballSize, ballY + ballSize)) {
               return UP2;
           } else if (blockRect.contains(ballX + ballSize, ballY)) {
               return DOWN_LEFT2;
           } else if (blockRect.contains(ballX, ballY)) {
               return DOWN_RIGHT2;
           } else if (blockRect.contains(ballX + ballSize, ballY + ballSize)) {
               return UP_LEFT2;
           } else if (blockRect.contains(ballX, ballY + ballSize)) {
               return UP_RIGHT2;
           return NO_COLLISION2;
       public void delete() {
           isDeleted = true  ;
        public int getX(){
            return a;
        public int getY(){
           return b;
        public boolean isDeleted(){
            return isDeleted;
     class Threebreakblock implements figure1{
       public static final int WIDTH3 = 40;
       public static final int HEIGHT3 = 16;
       public static final int NO_COLLISION3= 0; 
       public static final int DOWN3= 1;
       public static final int LEFT3 = 2;
       public static final int RIGHT3 = 3;
       public static final int UP3 = 4;
       public static final int DOWN_LEFT3 = 5;
       public static final int DOWN_RIGHT3 = 6;
       public static final int UP_LEFT3 = 7;
       public static final int UP_RIGHT3 = 8;
       private int a, b;
        int count =3;
       private boolean isDeleted;
       public Threebreakblock(int a, int b) {
           this.a = a;
           this.b = b;
           isDeleted = false;
       public void draw(Graphics g) {
           g.fillRect(a, b, WIDTH3, HEIGHT3);
           g.drawRect(a, b, WIDTH3, HEIGHT3);
       public int collideWith(Ball ball) {
           Rectangle blockRect = new Rectangle(a, b, WIDTH3, HEIGHT3);
           int ballX = ball.getX();
           int ballY = ball.getY();
           int ballSize = ball.getSize();
           if (blockRect.contains(ballX, ballY)
               && blockRect.contains(ballX + ballSize, ballY)) {
               return DOWN3;
           } else if (blockRect.contains(ballX + ballSize, ballY)
               && blockRect.contains(ballX + ballSize, ballY + ballSize)) {
               return LEFT3;
           } else if (blockRect.contains(ballX, ballY)
               && blockRect.contains(ballX, ballY + ballSize)) {
               return RIGHT3;
           } else if (blockRect.contains(ballX, ballY + ballSize)
               && blockRect.contains(ballX + ballSize, ballY + ballSize)) {
               return UP3;
           } else if (blockRect.contains(ballX + ballSize, ballY)) {
               return DOWN_LEFT3;
           } else if (blockRect.contains(ballX, ballY)) {
               return DOWN_RIGHT3;
           } else if (blockRect.contains(ballX + ballSize, ballY + ballSize)) {
               return UP_LEFT3;
           } else if (blockRect.contains(ballX, ballY + ballSize)) {
               return UP_RIGHT3;
           return NO_COLLISION3;
       public void delete() {
           isDeleted = true  ;
        public int getX(){
            return a;
        public int getY(){
           return b;
        public boolean isDeleted(){
            return isDeleted;

The indentation is dirty. .. .. It describes the state in which the assignment was submitted. Each breakout class stores a block, a ball, and an instance variable of a racket that bounces the ball. In addition, extends inherits the functionality of Jpanel, and implements can handle mouse events. The time limit is set to 30 seconds. I have to wait 5 seconds on the first start screen. I set it to 35 seconds including the title screen, but for some reason the game does not start unless it is 37 seconds. I don't know the cause.


It will take a tremendous amount of time to actually explain the code ... This time I wrote an article including the introduction level code. If you look at it, there may be some parts that can be omitted ... For example, it is very difficult to understand, for example, the function of the block is duplicated with almost the same code ... It is good to write, but the other party does not understand If you can't do it, it's meaningless. I would like to continue writing code that is easy to understand and conveys to the other party so that I will not end up with self-satisfaction. Next time I will explain the code in detail

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