# 2 [Note] I tried to calculate multiplication tables in Java.


It's been hot every day and my head and body are dull, but I'll do my best to keep updating the article! This time, I studied the multiplication table with an awareness of ease of viewing and simplification of the code. If you have any suggestions such as "This is better here" or "This is not the case", please comment.

Development environment

This time I also tried it in a comprehensive development environment with "Eclipse". Please refer to this article to build a development environment.

Creating a Java development environment with Eclipse (Mac version)


class Main {
     public static void main(String[] args) {
          //Multiplication table calculation
          for(int i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
               for(int j = 1; j < 10; j++) {
                    System.out.print(" " + i + "×" + j + "=" + i * j);
               //new line

I will explain the above code in order from the top!

Define the main method in the Main class.

class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) {

Use the for statement to loop through the multiplication table. First, for the column, define an int type variable i in the for statement and put 1 in it. i is less than 10 and the variable update is ʻi ++`.

for(int i = 1; i < 10; i++) {

Next, loop the contents of the stage. The description just changes the previous variable name to j.

for(int j = 1; j < 10; j++) {

I wanted the output result to be ◯ × ◯ = ◯, so I did the following.

 System.out.print(" " + i + "×" + j + "=" + i * j);

And finally I will output it! The " " here is a space to write for a line break when the loop ends and enters the next loop.


Don't forget the closing brackets for the Main class and main methods! ]



Execution result

 1×1=1 1×2=2 1×3=3 1×4=4 1×5=5 1×6=6 1×7=7 1×8=8 1×9=9
 2×1=2 2×2=4 2×3=6 2×4=8 2×5=10 2×6=12 2×7=14 2×8=16 2×9=18
 3×1=3 3×2=6 3×3=9 3×4=12 3×5=15 3×6=18 3×7=21 3×8=24 3×9=27
 4×1=4 4×2=8 4×3=12 4×4=16 4×5=20 4×6=24 4×7=28 4×8=32 4×9=36
 5×1=5 5×2=10 5×3=15 5×4=20 5×5=25 5×6=30 5×7=35 5×8=40 5×9=45
 6×1=6 6×2=12 6×3=18 6×4=24 6×5=30 6×6=36 6×7=42 6×8=48 6×9=54
 7×1=7 7×2=14 7×3=21 7×4=28 7×5=35 7×6=42 7×7=49 7×8=56 7×9=63
 8×1=8 8×2=16 8×3=24 8×4=32 8×5=40 8×6=48 8×7=56 8×8=64 8×9=72
 9×1=9 9×2=18 9×3=27 9×4=36 9×5=45 9×6=54 9×7=63 9×8=72 9×9=81

Is displayed, it is successful!

If you get an error

There is a possibility that ; is missing, so please check it!


Recently, I haven't had enough time to study, so I'm rushing to say "I have to make some free time". But I don't like to drive myself, so I'm fighting a lot ... I will do my best!

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