Java beginner tried to make a simple web application using Spring Boot


――For various reasons, I am studying Spring Boot. ――I don't remember Java itself, Servlets, JSPs, etc. too long ago. So it will be a beginner start. ――I was able to make a simple SPA in about 16 hours in total, while fitting it securely in each step. ――There is no special design.

Execution environment

# OS/software/Library version
1 Mac OS X EI Capitan
2 Java 1.8.0_111
3 Tomcat 8.0.43
4 MySQL 5.6.38

Development environment

# OS/software/Library version
1 Eclipse 4.5 Mars
2 Gradle 4.4.1

Application environment

# OS/software/Library version
1 Spring Boot 1.5.9
2 JPA(Java Persistence API)
3 Thymeleaf

Various installations from Homebrew

Update brew

brew update && brew upgrade && brew cleanup



brew cask install java

PATH setting

export JAVA_HOME=`/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8`



brew install tomcat



brew install gradle

Eclipse installation

Download Mars


Place under / Applications.

Download various plug-ins

** Japanese localization plug-in **


Localizing into Japanese

Place the jp.sourceforge.mergedoc.pleiades directory of the unzipped plugin under /Applications/

Open /Applications/ and add the writing.



Place the unzipped plugin jar under /Applications/

Initial setup of Eclipse

After starting, open the environment settings at the top left of the screen.

--From "Java> Compiler", change the Java version to 1.8. --Add Java SE 8 from "Java> Installed JRE". --Adjust the "General> JStyle" settings. --Set "General> Web Browser". --If proxy settings are required, set "General> Network Connection".

Tomcat connection settings

After startup, open "Server> Runtime Environment" from the environment settings at the top left of the screen.

  1. Select "Apache> Apache Tomcat v8.0" from Add and proceed.
  2. Enter the name and Tomcat installation directory. The directory is as follows.
/usr/local/Cellar/[email protected]/8.0.43/libexec

Install Spring and Gradle plugins

STS installation

  1. Open Help> Eclipse Marketplace at the top of the screen.
  2. Enter STS in the search window to install.

Install Gradle plugin

  1. Open Help> Eclipse Marketplace at the top of the screen.
  2. Enter Gradle in the search window to install.

Creating a Spring Boot project

  1. Open "File> New> Create Spring Starter Project" at the top of the screen.
  2. Enter the project name and check the box below to complete.


Tomcat startup port and database connection settings

-Edit /projectname/src/main/resources/

//Tomcat startup port

//Database connection settings
spring.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/{Database name}

Creating an application

――This time, I created the following functions.

# Function name
1 List user information
2 Partial match search for user name and group name
3 Display user information
4 Username update

--Users have attributes such as groups to form a join relationship.

Creating databases and tables


CREATE TABLE `groups` (
  `name` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

CREATE TABLE `users` (
  `group_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `name` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

Input of initial data

INSERT INTO `groups` VALUES (1,'admin'),(2,'sales');
INSERT INTO `users` VALUES (1,1,'Tanaka'),(2,2,'Takahashi'),(3,2,'Suzuki');


--I learned from Domain Driven (DDD) and constructed the class, but please understand that it may contain some code that is not so good. --The actual source code.

Source code


Run application

Select the project, right-click and click Run> Spring Boot Application.




――It was more likely to fit in JPA, Thymeleaf or other libraries than in Java or Spring Boot. --Gradle Easy to use. --The area around Entity fits. --It is recommended to set it as a shortcut for running or stopping the application in Eclipse.

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