Try using Java framework Nablarch [Web application]

Use Java's OSS framework Nablarch to check communication + α. Nablarch is a framework that can be used for various purposes such as web applications, web services, batch messaging. This time we will create a web application project. (It is undecided whether to create an article on other execution control infrastructure.)


OS: OS X Yosemite 10.10.5 Maven: Apache Maven 3.3.3 IDE: IntelliJ IDEA 2016.2.3 Nablarch: 5u8

things to do

Create a blank project and just touch it. Acquires and displays the information registered in the DB.


Create it by referring to How to create a blank project. For the time being, it seems that you can hit the following command to create it, so hit it. The version has been changed to 5u8.

mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=com.nablarch.archetype -DarchetypeArtifactId=nablarch-web-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=5u8

Then, you will be asked for the project information, so enter it. This time, enter the same one as described in the procedure.

With that, you have a blank project! Let's open it in the IDE right away! blank-project.png

You can do it! Next, let's check the communication. If you execute clean, compile, waitt: run with the maven command, the web application will start and be displayed in the browser. test-browse.png

It's working fine! Then, I will customize it a little. It's a lot of work because you just touch it and check the operation. .. ..

First, prepare a DB table for data acquisition. Create a PERSON table with ID / NAME / AGE columns and insert one data. This time, I ran it with IntelliJ's database access function. Connection information can be found in src / env / dev / resources / env.config.

Next, prepare Entity class to hold what is obtained from DB.

public class Person {
    private String id;
    private String name;
    private Integer age;

    // getter,setter omitted

Next, create an action class (logic part). Get the data from the PERSON table, set it in request scope and pass it to jsp.

public class PersonAction {

    public HttpResponse search(HttpRequest request, ExecutionContext context) {
        List<Person> data = UniversalDao.findAll(Person.class);
        context.setRequestScopedVar("data", data);
        return new HttpResponse("/person/list.jsp");

Finally, create jsp.


    <!--html Standard part omitted-->
    <table border="1">
        <c:forEach items="${data}" var="d">
            <td><n:write name="" /></td>
            <td><n:write name="d.age" /></td>

That's all there is to it.

mvn clean compile waitt:run

Go to http: // localhost: 9080 / action / person / search in your browser. test-browse2.png

It is displayed! By the way, this URL can be mapped to src / main / resources / routes.xml <match path="/action/:controller/:action"/> Since there is, it is mapped to the search method of the PersonAction class.

Summary / Impressions

For details, I left it to Nablarch's Explanation and omitted the explanation, but as mentioned above I was able to create a web application quickly. When it comes to actual development, it works (blank project and [Example] as an implementation example ( even if it is not crisp because there are many contents to customize. I felt that it was easy to touch that) could be prepared immediately. I really wish I could compare it with other frameworks, but I gave it up because of my shallow learning. The one created this time is posted on github.

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