A story that stumbled when deploying a web application created with Spring Boot to EC2


This is a memo for myself.

Development environment

・ Windows 10 ・ OpenJDK 1.8 ・ SpringBoot 2.2.4 ・ Gradle 6.3 ・ MySQL5.7 ・ AWS (EC2 ・ RDS ・ VPC)


  1. Prepare Spring Boot app for deployment
  2. Prepare EC2 / RDS / VPC
  3. Install the required tools on Amazon Linux 2
  4. Build and deploy

1. Prepare a Spring Boot app for deployment

This can be anything, so you can use your own app

2. Preparation of AWS (EC2 / RDS / VPC)

I will post this later

3. 3. Install required tools on Amazon Linux 2

Log in to EC2 and update yum

# yum update

Check and install Git version

# yum search git
# yum install git

Check once Git is installed

# git --version

Install Java 8

# yum install -y java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel

Install and relocate tomcat For more information here

Clone git

# git clone https://github.com/sample.git

Move to the cloned directory and spread gradlew permissions

# chmod 755 gradlew

I want to build as it is, but move to application.properties and change the settings application.properties is an environment-dependent relationship

# cd src/main/resources
# vim application.properties

I think the URL of MySQL is localhost, so change here

spring.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql://"Localhost" ← here!:3306/sample?serverTimezone=JST

Change localhost part to RDS endpoint


I changed it so that I can connect to RDS. We will build from here! !!

# ./gradlew build

Move to under libs of build as soon as build is completed I think there is an application that I built, so loosen the permissions Change owner and group to tomcat

# chmod 755 sample.war
# chown tomcat:tomcat sample.war

Then move it under webapps and start tomcat

# mv sample.war /opt/apache-tomcat/webapps
# systemctl start tomcat.service

If you connect to the URL set by EC2 ...

that's all

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