Penronse environment construction [Windows]


I wanted to use Penronse, a drawing software that creates figures from mathematical formulas. Refer to the article below and try to build an environment where Penronse can be used on Windows 10. Does this software name refer to Mr. Penrose, who won the Nobel Prize?

Article: You can generate charts from mathematical formulas! Try Penrose (SIGGRAPH 2020)

1. Environment construction

This section describes how to build a Penrose environment for Windows 10.

1.1 Docker This section describes how to build a Docker environment. Since WSL was old as WSL1, update to WSL2 [1]. Update the previously installed Ubuntu-18.04 settings on Windows 10 from WSL1 to WSL2.

$ wsl set-version Ubuntu-18.04 2

After updating the WSL settings, build the Docker environment. First, install Docker Hub. If you do not change the BIOS settings, an error will occur in Docker Hub, so change the settings. Enable "Intel VT-x" and "Intel Virtualization Technology" in the BIOS [[2]]( data-execution-protection-must-be-enabled-in-the-bios /). This completes the Docker environment construction.

1.2 Penrose This section describes the environment construction of Penrose. We will build a Penrose environment on the Ubuntu-18.04 terminal set as WSL2. When I try to build a Penrose environment, npm installation fails. If you install npm with apt-get obediently, it will fail, so install npm using apptitude [3].

$ sudo apt-get install aptitude
$ sudo aptitude install npm
$ which npm

Download and set up the Penrose container. I get a warning on npm but ignore it (help me ...). At this point, the environment has been set up so that it can be executed with the same commands as the original article.

$ docker pull vanessa/penrose
$ cd penrose
$ make recreate-dev
$ make dev-build

2. How to operate

This section describes how Penrose works. Run the Penrose container in the Ubuntu-18.04 terminal configured with WSL2.

$ make start-dev

You can visualize the result by executing the command below.

$ make penrose set-theory-domain/tree.sub set-theory-domain/venn.sty set-theory-domain/setTheory.dsl
#Http from browser://localhost:Access 3500


3. Summary

I was able to run Penronse on Windows 10. We plan to summarize how to use Penronse based on the sample code.

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