Make a language! (JavaCC environment construction)

There was a tool called JavaCC (Java Compiler Compiler) that can be used with Java.

What is JavaCC

A tool for parsing (recursive descent) and lexical analysis. If you write your own parsing and lexical analysis definition files, a Java parser will be generated for you.

JavaCC development environment

Eclipse is used as a comprehensive development environment. A JavaCC plugin for Eclipse (a set for each compiler) is provided. Please install the plug-in by specifying the following from "help"-> "install new software". JavaCC -


JavaCC project creation

Create a new Java Project of your choice. image.png

Create a new template file. image.png

Select jjt and the package completes by default image.png

Replace <? Parser_name?> With MyNewPerser all at once. image.png


When saved, the parser is automatically generated as shown below. image.png

If it is not automatically generated, right-click the jjt file and execute "Compile with javacc".


Since main is attached to the MyNewParser class, it can be executed as it is.

image.png (Displays a simple formula syntax tree)

next time

Make a language! (Making a simple calculator ①) followed by.

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