[PYTHON] Programming to fight in the world ~ 5-2


#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-

class Bitutils():

    def getBit(self,num,i):
        return(num & (1 << i) !=0 )
    def setBit(self,num1,i):
        return (num | (1 << i))
    def clearBit(self,num,i):
        mask = ~(1 << i)
        return num & mask
    def clearBitsMSBthroughI(self,num,i):
        mask = (1 << i) -1
        return num & mask
    def clearBitsIthrough(self,num,i):
        mask = ~((1 << (i+1)) -1)
    def updateBit(self,nim,i,v):
        mask = ~(1 << i)
        return (num & mask) | (v << i)
    def updateBit(self,n,m,i,j): #5-1
        allOnes = ~0
        left = allOnes << (j + 1)
        right = ((1<<i) - 1)
        mask = left|right
        n_cleared = n & mask
        m_shifted = m << i
        return n_cleared | m_shifted
    def printBinary(self,num): #5-2
        if num >= 1 or num <= 0:
            return "Error"
        tmp_str = ""
        tmp_str += "0."
        while num > 0:
            if len(tmp_str) >= 33:
                return "Error"
            r = num * 2
            if r >= 1:
                tmp_str += "1"
                num = r - 1
                tmp_str+= "0"
                num = r
        return tmp_str

if __name__ == '__main__':
    N = 1024
    M = 19
    i = 2
    j = 6
    b = Bitutils()
    #c = b.updateBit(N,M,i,j)
    c = b.printBinary(0.75)
    c = b.printBinary(0.875)
    print (c)

Is this all right in python when adding new characters to an existing string? Does this mean that we are creating a completely new string?

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