[PYTHON] Twitter streaming client to enjoy in the terminal

Rainbowstream There have been many tools that can be tweeted in the terminal, but there is nothing that is quite satisfying when using it. That's why I made a thing called Rainbow Stream, which I'm about to introduce.

As the name suggests, Rainbow Stream features colorful streaming of Tweets from around the world that flow in front of you like the flow of a river. You can also display images based on CLI.

Homepage: www.rainbowstream.org Github: github.com/DTVD/rainbowstream a Show case


Easy installation with pip

sudo pip install rainbowstream

However, it is recommended to install it in an independent environment using virtualenv:

virtualenv venv
# Python 3 users : use -p to specify your Python 3 localtion as below
# virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install rainbowstream

Enjoy Twitter streaming

After installation, start with the following command


And if you want to launch streaming where you can see the image directly in the terminal

rainbowstream -iot


A list of supported commands can be found in ReadTheDocs, but the main ones are as follows.


The following themes have already been prepared.

I actually used it

Since it is a CLI, it will be interesting to be able to run it on various devices and environments.

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