[PYTHON] Various comments to write in the program


//Only one line comment
/*The characters in between
All comments*/

/**Javadoc comment
*When you press enter
*Rows and asterists are added automatically
*   @author Describes the author information of the class
*    @Description of param method arguments
*    @Description of the return value of the return method
*    @throw Specifies the exception class that occurs
*    @see Described when referring to other APIs
*    @deprecated Indicates a deprecated API
*    @serial Description of serialized fields
*    @sesrialData Describes the data type and order in the serialized state
*    @since Introduced version listed
*    @version Describe the version


<!--The characters in between are comments-->
<!--The characters in between
All comments-->

//Not a comment
/*Not a comment*/


/*The characters in between are comments*/


#One-line comment
Single quote
The characters enclosed in three are comments

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