[PYTHON] I didn't have to write a decorator in the class Thank you contextmanager

Previous post Yotsubato! Amazingly cool I wish I had used contextmanager from the beginning without the difficulty of decorating ...


from contextlib import contextmanager
import random

class Prot:
    def __init__(self):

    def yoyo(self, hey):
        print('gacha.') #  __enter__
        yield hey # as
        print('Everything Done Right.') #  __exit__

    def yo_gacha(self, y):
        yo = [y*i for i in range(10)] 
        return yo[random.randint(0, 9)]    

if __name__ == '__main__':
    p = Prot()
    with p.yoyo('hey') as y:

contextlib.contextmanager is a decorator that applies with to a good feeling and divides it into __enter__ and __exit__ with yield in between. One indent is sacrificed, but the description is easy and very easy to understand It is easy to understand that if you pass it with yield, you can receive it with ʻas`. It may be better to use a decorator when I want to wrap various things, but I learned

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