Write a log-scale histogram on the x-axis in python

Note that X-axis draws log scale graph in python

import pylab as pl
import numpy as np

Creating a distribution with two peaks

data1 = (np.random.normal(size=100) + 10)* 1e-5
data2 = (np.random.normal(size=100) + 10)* 1e-10
data = np.r_[data1, data2]
#Histogram creation


You can't just make x a log scale



The width of each bar (also called bins) is not logarithmic, I see.

#Histogram creation
pl.hist(data, bins=np.logspace(-11, -3, 500))


I got it. The option of np.logspace is like "Create 500 bins in the range of 10 ^ -11 to 10 ^ 3".

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