A note on the library implementation that explores hyperparameters using Bayesian optimization in Python


Bayesian Optimization (Reference: Introduction to Bayesian Optimization, Introduction to Bayesian Optimization for Machine Learning By using manatee / detail / id = 59393)), it may be possible to efficiently search for hyperparameters that must be decided by various Try & Error during machine learning.

I can understand the idea etc. thanks to the increase in various commentary articles recently, but I could not find it on the Web in the form of the GridSearch library, so I made it this time. I'm sure it's a reinvention of the wheel, but I'm glad that the reinvention is a learning experience.

Various versions used this time



from itertools import product
from sklearn.gaussian_process import GaussianProcess

# The MIT License (C) 2016 mokemokechicken

class BayesianOptimizer:
    x_list = None
    y_list = None
    yielding_index = None
    k_band = 5
    verbose = False

    def __init__(self, params):
        self.params = params
        self.keys = []
        self.values = []
        for k, v in sorted(self.params.items()):

    def n_pattern(self):
        return len(list(product(*self.values)))

    def output(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if self.verbose:
            print(*args, **kwargs)
    def supply_next_param(self, max_iter=None):
        self.x_list = []
        self.y_list = []
        all_parameters = list(product(*self.values))  # [(0.01, [0, 0], 0, [10, 10]), (0.01, [0, 0], 0, [15, 15]), ...
        index_space = [list(range(len(v))) for v in self.values]  # [[0], [0, 1, 2], [0], [0, 1, 2]]
        all_index_list = list(product(*index_space))  # [(0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 1), ...

        # examine 2 random points initially
        idx = list(range(len(all_index_list)))
        searched_index_list = []
        for index in idx[:2]:
            param = self.to_param(all_parameters[index])
            self.yielding_index = all_index_list[index]
            yield param

        # Bayesian Optimization
        max_iter = int(min(max_iter or max(np.sqrt(self.n_pattern)*4, 20), self.n_pattern))  #Calculate the maximum number of searches appropriately.
        for iteration in range(max_iter):
            k = 1 + np.exp(-iteration / max_iter * 3) * self.k_band  #Gradually reduce the value of k to emphasize search → focus on utilization
            gp = self.create_gp_and_fit(np.array(self.x_list), np.array(self.y_list))

            mean_array, mse_array = gp.predict(all_index_list, eval_MSE=True)
            next_index, acq_array = self.acquisition(mean_array, mse_array, k, excludes=searched_index_list)

            self.output("--- Most Expected Predictions")
            for acq, ps in sorted(zip(acq_array, all_parameters), reverse=True)[:3]:
                self.output("%.2f: %s" % (acq, list(zip(self.keys, ps))))
            self.output("--- Past Best Results")
            for acq, vs, ps in self.best_results(3):
                self.output("%.2f: %s" % (acq, list(zip(self.keys, vs))))

            if next_index in searched_index_list:
            self.yielding_index = all_index_list[next_index]
            yield self.to_param(all_parameters[next_index])

    def create_gp_and_fit(x, y, max_try=100):
        #Suspicious around here
        theta0 = 0.1
        for i in range(max_try+1):
                gp = GaussianProcess(theta0=theta0)
                gp.fit(x, y)
                return gp
            except Exception as e:
                theta0 *= 10
                if i == max_try:
                    raise e
    def to_param(self, row):
        return dict(zip(self.keys, row))

    def report(self, score):

    def best_results(self, n=5):
        index_list = []
        param_list = []
        for xs in self.x_list:
            values = [self.values[i][x] for i, x in enumerate(xs)]
        return sorted(zip(self.y_list, index_list, param_list), reverse=True)[:n]

    def acquisition(mean_array, mse_array, k, excludes=None):
        excludes = excludes or []
        values = mean_array + np.sqrt(mse_array) * k
        for_argmax = np.copy(values)
        for ex in excludes:
            for_argmax[ex] = -np.Inf
        return np.argmax(for_argmax), values

How to use

The basic usage is as follows.

params = {
    "parameter1": [10, 20, 25, 50],
    "parameter2": ['p1', 'p2'],

bo = BayesianOptimizer(params)  #Pass a combination of parameters in a dictionary

for param in bo.supply_next_param():  #The param that should be checked next is passed by dict
    y = unknown_score_function(param)              #Evaluate the param in some way
    bo.report(y)                                    #I will tell you the evaluation value

print(bo.best_results())                            #I remember the best Score value and param

Demonstration in 2D space

Here's what I've tried on a Jupyter notebook to see if it works. https://gist.github.com/mokemokechicken/7f3cf33c71d33bf0ec242c37cb3f2a75

Search space

After making multiple undulations with sin and cos on the following 50 x 50 plane, prepare a slightly uneven two-dimensional space with noise.


The part with the red dot (row = 3, col = 29) is the point with the highest value.


I will proceed like this. The number of searches is 200.

Early stage

First of all, I am investigating the space as a whole. A little Go-like w. s1.png

Early stage 2

Fortunately, he seems to have searched several times near his favorite in the middle. a2.png


The favorite point has been investigated quite a bit. s3.png

Medium format 2

Carefully check the other mountain on the lower left that looks good. The area around the favorite in the middle is also covered.


Late stage

Check the blank spots for anything else that looks good.


Final state

There is nothing else that seems to be particularly good and it ends. Well, even if humans do it, it looks like this. s6.png


at the end

When I make it, it seems that it can be used in quite a variety of scenes. Life is like this.

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