A program that plays rock-paper-scissors using Python

In this article A program that plays rock-paper-scissors using Python I will write.

How to find

1, Randomly generate a bot's move. 2, If it is Aiko, repeat it again. 3, Display the result of rock-paper-scissors

** 1, Randomly generate a bot's move. ** ** First of all, we will randomly generate the hands of the bot.

There are various ways, but this time I will do it with random.randint (0, 2). It can generate integers in the range in rendezvous.

We will apply this integer to Goo Choki Par.


import random

def janken(your_result):
    n = random.randint(0, 2)
    if n == 0:
        bot = "Goo"
    elif n == 1:
        bot = "Choki"
        bot = "Par"

** 2, If it was Aiko, repeat again. ** ** Next, when I was Aiko, I will write to start over from the beginning.

I thought I could call the function again and start over.


    if your_result == bot:
        j = input("Aiko, right?! > ")

** 3, display the result of rock-paper-scissors ** Finally, the result of rock-paper-scissors is displayed. Ai In this case, it is excluded, so I will write a winning or losing pattern.


    if your_result == "Goo":
        if bot == "Par":
            print("I got a par. I'm losing you.")
        elif bot == "Choki":
            print("I gave a choki. You win.")
    elif your_result == "Par":
        if bot == "Choki":
            print("I gave a choki. I'm losing you.")
        elif bot == "Goo":
            print("I put out a goo. You win.")
    elif your_result == "Choki":
        if bot == "Goo":
            print("I put out a goo. I'm losing you.")
        elif bot == "Par":
            print("I got a par. You win.")

Finally, get the source and then call the function to finish. Overall picture


import random

def janken(your_result):
    n = random.randint(0, 2)
    if n == 0:
        bot = "Goo"
    elif n == 1:
        bot = "Choki"
        bot = "Par"
    if your_result == bot:
        j = input("Aiko, right?! > ")

    if your_result == "Goo":
        if bot == "Par":
            print("I got a par. I'm losing you.")
        elif bot == "Choki":
            print("I gave a choki. You win.")
    elif your_result == "Par":
        if bot == "Choki":
            print("I gave a choki. I'm losing you.")
        elif bot == "Goo":
            print("I put out a goo. You win.")
    elif your_result == "Choki":
        if bot == "Goo":
            print("I put out a goo. I'm losing you.")
        elif bot == "Par":
            print("I got a par. You win.")

j = input("I'll play rock-paper-scissors!Enter goo, choki or par.> ")

Execution result

I will decide the first and second attack with rock-paper-scissors!Enter goo, choki or par.>Goo
Aiko, right?! >Goo
I got a par. I'm losing you.


This time, A program that plays rock-paper-scissors using Python I wrote.

There may be some grammar that isn't very good, but it works.

I think it's a relatively simple program, so please try to improve it yourself!

Thank you very much!


This article was written by a programming beginner and may be incorrect. Thank you for your understanding. Also, if you notice any mistakes, we would appreciate it if you could point them out. Thank you.

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