Write a super simple molecular dynamics program in python

Molecular dynamics calculation of 3 atoms

Let's write a molecular dynamics (MD) code that deals with only three atoms. Make it MD-like step by step.

1. Place atoms on the canvas

Write the initial arrangement and velocity of the three atoms in a file.


15 10 0 0
20 10 0 0
20 15 0 0

Each line of initial. d consists of four items: the x-coordinate of the atom, the y-coordinate, the x-component of the velocity, and the y-component, and must be separated by a space.

An example of a program that opens the canvas so that an object can be drawn, reads the atom arrangement (and velocity) information from the file (initial.d), and arranges the atoms at the initial position is shown below. I also have a dummy button for later (here I do nothing when the button is pressed). Here, since initial.d has 3 rows, the number of atoms is 3, but the number of atoms can be increased by increasing the number of rows. In the program, the array size is increased each time each row is read. The unit of coordinates is Å, and the unit of velocity is Å / s.


An example program is shown.


import tkinter as tk

def dummy(event):
    print('button is pressed')

def drawatom(x,y):
    canvas.create_oval(x1-rad,y1-rad,x1+rad,y1+rad, fill='blue')

# creation of main window and canvas
win = tk.Tk()
win.title("Crude MD")
canvas = tk.Canvas(win,width=l+x0*2,height=l+y0*2)
canvas.place(x=0, y=20)

# declaration of arrays
rx = []
ry = []
vx = []
vy = []
fx = []
fy = []

# button sample (dummy)
button_dummy = tk.Button(win,text="dummy",width=15)

# read initial position and velocity
f = open('initial.d', 'r')
i = 0
for line in f:
    xy = line.split(' ')
    rx = rx + [float(xy[0])]
    ry = ry + [float(xy[1])]
    vx = vx + [float(xy[2])]
    vy = vy + [float(xy[3])]
    i = i + 1


2. Get the button event and move the atom

Added functions based on the above program. It detects the event that the button is pressed and moves the atom diagonally upward just continuously.


import tkinter as tk

def dummy(event):
    global imd  # to substitute value into variable
    if (imd == 0 ):
        imd = 1
        imd = 0

def drawatom(x,y):
    return canvas.create_oval(x1-rad,y1-rad,x1+rad,y1+rad, fill='blue')

def moveatom(obj,x,y):

# creation of main window and canvas
win = tk.Tk()
win.title("Crude MD")
x0=10 # Origin
y0=10 # Origin
l=500 # Size of canvas
scl=10 # Scaling (magnification) factor
rad=5 # Radius of sphere

canvas = tk.Canvas(win,width=l+x0*2,height=l+y0*2)
canvas.place(x=0, y=20)

imd = 0 # MD on/off

# declaration of arrays
rx = []
ry = []
vx = []
vy = []
fx = []
fy = []
obj = []

# button sample (dummy)
button_dummy = tk.Button(win,text="dummy",width=15)

# Entry box (MD step)
entry_step = tk.Entry(width=10)

# read initial position and velocity
f = open('initial.d', 'r')
n = 0
for line in f:
    xy = line.split(' ')
    rx = rx + [float(xy[0])]
    ry = ry + [float(xy[1])]
    vx = vx + [float(xy[2])]
    vy = vy + [float(xy[3])]
    obj = obj + [drawatom(rx[n],ry[n])] # obj[] holds pointer to object
    n = n + 1 # number of total atoms
print("number of atoms = ",n)

step = 0
stepend = 1000

while step < stepend:
    if imd == 1:
        for i in range(n):
            rx[i] = rx[i] + 0.01
            ry[i] = ry[i] + 0.01
        step = step + 1


3. Turn MD on / off when the button is pressed

Further modified the above. The MD is switched on / off when the button is pressed. The interaction between atoms is calculated by Morse potential, and the atom is moved by the Verlet method.


import tkinter as tk
import math

def dummy(event):
    global imd  # to substitute value into variable
    if (imd == 0 ):
        imd = 1
        imd = 0

def drawatom(x,y):
    return canvas.create_oval(x1-rad,y1-rad,x1+rad,y1+rad, fill='blue')

def moveatom(obj,x,y):

def v(rang):
    ep = 0.2703
    al = 1.1646
    ro = 3.253
    ev = 1.6021892e-19
    return ep*(math.exp(-2.0*al*(rang-ro))-2.0*math.exp(-al*(rang-ro))) *ev

def vp(rang):
    ep = 0.2703
    al = 1.1646
    ro = 3.253
    ev = 1.6021892e-19
    return -2.0*al*ep*(math.exp(-2.0*al*(rang-ro))-math.exp(-al*(rang-ro))) *ev*1.0e10

# creation of main window and canvas
win = tk.Tk()
win.title("Crude MD")
x0=10 # Origin
y0=10 # Origin
l=500 # Size of canvas
scl=10 # Scaling (magnification) factor
rad=5 # Radius of sphere

canvas = tk.Canvas(win,width=l+x0*2,height=l+y0*2)
canvas.place(x=0, y=20)

imd = 0 # MD on/off

# declaration of arrays
rx = [] # ang
ry = []
vx = [] # ang/s
vy = []
fx = [] # N
fy = []
epot = []
obj = []
dt = 1.0e-16 # s
wm = 1.67e-37 # 1e-10 kg

# button sample (dummy)
button_dummy = tk.Button(win,text="MD on/off",width=15)

# Entry box (MD step)
entry_step = tk.Entry(width=10)

# read initial position and velocity
f = open('initial.d', 'r')
n = 0
for line in f:
    xy = line.split(' ')
    rx = rx + [float(xy[0])]
    ry = ry + [float(xy[1])]
    vx = vx + [float(xy[2])]
    vy = vy + [float(xy[3])]
    fx = fx + [0]
    fy = fy + [0]
    epot = epot + [0]
    obj = obj + [drawatom(rx[n],ry[n])] # obj[] holds pointer to object
    n = n + 1 # number of total atoms
print("number of atoms = ",n)

step = 0
stepend = 100000

while step < stepend:
    if imd == 1:
        # Verlet(1)
        for i in range(n):
            rx[i] = rx[i] + dt * vx[i] + (dt*dt/2.0) * fx[i] / wm
            ry[i] = ry[i] + dt * vy[i] + (dt*dt/2.0) * fy[i] / wm
            vx[i] = vx[i] + dt/2.0 * fx[i] / wm
            vy[i] = vy[i] + dt/2.0 * fy[i] / wm
        # Force and energy
        for i in range(n):
            fx[i] = 0
            fy[i] = 0
            epot[i] = 0
        for i in range(n):
            for j in range(n):
                if (i != j):
                    rr = math.sqrt((rx[i]-rx[j])**2 + (ry[i]-ry[j])**2)
                    drx = rx[i] - rx[j]
                    dry = ry[i] - ry[j]
                    fx[i] = fx[i]-vp(rr)/rr*drx
                    fy[i] = fy[i]-vp(rr)/rr*dry
                    epot[i] = epot[i]+v(rr)/2.0
        # Verlet(2)
        for i in range(n):
            vx[i] = vx[i] + dt/2.0 * fx[i] / wm
            vy[i] = vy[i] + dt/2.0 * fy[i] / wm
        step = step + 1


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