Simple gRPC in Python


--Create a simple gRPC process in Python. --Try to create a process that requests some value and returns the result like REST.

Overall flow

  1. Install grpcio-tools
  2. Create a .proto file and compile it.
  3. Create server and client sources using the automatically generated sources.
  4. Test

1. Install grpcio-tools

Install with pip

$ pip install grpcio-tools

2. Create proto file


syntax = "proto3";

package simple;

// request
message SimpleRequest{
    string name = 1;
    string msg = 2;

// response
message SimpleResponse{
    string reply_msg = 1;

// interface
service SimpleService{
    rpc SimpleSend (SimpleRequest) returns (SimpleResponse) {}

Create and execute the following source. (compile) and are created in the same folder.

from import protoc


$ python

3. Source creation for server and client

Server side

import grpc
import time
import simple_pb2
import simple_pb2_grpc
from concurrent import futures

class SimpleServiceServicer(simple_pb2_grpc.SimpleServiceServicer):
    def __init__(self):

    def SimpleSend(self, request, context):
        print('logging: name {}, msg {}'.format(, request.msg))
        #Match with Response in proto file
        return simple_pb2.SimpleResponse(
            reply_msg = 'Hello! ' + + '. Your message is ' + request.msg

# start server
server = grpc.server(futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10))
simple_pb2_grpc.add_SimpleServiceServicer_to_server(SimpleServiceServicer(), server)
print('run server')

# wait
    while True:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
    # stop server

--Source explanation --Match the class name with service (SimpleServie) + Servicer in the proto file. --Match the function name (SimpleSend) with rpc. Since it is a function name, snake case (simple_send) may be better for Python --Since SimpleResponse is defined in simple_pb2, response is returned from there.

Client side

import grpc
import simple_pb2
import simple_pb2_grpc

with grpc.insecure_channel('localhost:5051') as channel:
    stub = simple_pb2_grpc.SimpleServiceStub(channel)
    name = "Tom"
    msg = "Test"
    response = stub.SimpleSend(simple_pb2.SimpleRequest(name=name, msg=msg))

print('Reply: ', response.reply_msg)

--Source explanation --SimpleRequest takes name and msg as arguments. Image that is passed to it and generates a class --Calling the SimpleSend function of the stub and passing the generated class as an argument to it --Output reply_msg included in response

4. Test

start server

$ python
run server

Client execution

$ python
Reply:  Hello! Tom. Your message is Test

Process finished with exit code 0

Working folder (final form)

 C:\Users\grpc directory

2020/01/21  17:47    <DIR>          .
2020/01/21  17:47    <DIR>          ..
2020/01/21  17:45               327
2020/01/21  14:31               173
2020/01/21  17:47               851
2020/01/21  17:43               300 simple.proto
2020/01/21  17:43             4,212
2020/01/21  17:43             1,342

When using a list or dict

If you want to return the value of the list

.proto file

syntax = "proto3";

package simple;

// request
message SimpleRequest{

// response 
message SimpleResponse{
    repeated string msgs = 1;  //Use repeated

// interface
service SimpleService{
    rpc simple_send (SimpleRequest) returns (SimpleResponse) {}

Server side

Server that returns a list

import grpc
import time
import simple_iter_pb2
import simple_iter_pb2_grpc
from concurrent import futures

class SimpleServiceServicer(simple_iter_pb2_grpc.SimpleServiceServicer):
    def __init__(self):

    def simple_send(self, request, context):
        sample_data = ['message1', 'message2']
        return simple_iter_pb2.SimpleResponse(msgs=sample_data)  #Don't forget the list name

# start server
server = grpc.server(futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10))
simple_iter_pb2_grpc.add_SimpleServiceServicer_to_server(SimpleServiceServicer(), server)
print('run server')

# wait
    while True:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
    # stop server

If you want to return the value of dict

.proto file

syntax = "proto3";

package simple;

// request
message SimpleRequest{

// response
message SimpleResponse{
    map<string, string> msg = 1; //use map

// interface
service SimpleService{
    rpc simple_send (SimpleRequest) returns (SimpleResponse) {}

Server omitted


The following articles were very helpful. There is a more detailed description.

-Inter-application communication with gRPC and Protocol Buffers / Python -Try bidirectional communication with gRPC in Python. -Implement API with gRPC (Go)

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