Simple IRC client in python

IRC client

I wrote a simple IRC client in python.

#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys, socket, os

TARGET = "localhost"
PORT = 6667

BUF_SIZE = 1024

def irc_connect(irc_socket, target, port):
    irc_socket.connect((target, port))

def login(irc_server, nickname, username, realname, hostname = "hostname", servername = "*"):
    nick_message = "NICK " + nickname + "\n"
    user_message = "USER %s %s %s :%s\n" % (username, hostname, servername, realname)


def join(irc_server, channel):
    join_message = "JOIN " + channel + "\n"


def pong(irc_server, daemon, daemon2 = None):
    pong_message = "PONG %s %s" % (daemon, daemon2)
    pong_message += "\n"


def privmsg(irc_server, channel, text):
    privmsg_message = "PRIVMSG %s :%s\n" % (channel, text)


def quit(irc_server):

def handle_privmsg(prefix, receiver, text):
    print ""
    print prefix + ">" + text
    print ""

def wait_message(irc_server):
        msg_buf = irc_server.recv(BUF_SIZE)
        msg_buf = msg_buf.strip()

        prefix = None
        if msg_buf[0] == ":":
            p = msg_buf.find(" ")
            prefix = msg_buf[1:p]
            msg_buf = msg_buf[(p + 1):]

        p = msg_buf.find(":")
        if p != -1:#has last param which starts with ":"
            last_param = msg_buf[(p + 1):]
            msg_buf = msg_buf[:p]
            msg_buf = msg_buf.strip()

        messages = msg_buf.split()

        command = messages[0]
        params = messages[1:]

        if command == "PING":
            pong(irc_server, params[0])
        elif command == "PRIVMSG":
            text = last_param
            receiver = ""

            for param in params:
                receiver = param

            handle_privmsg(prefix, receiver, text)

def client_interface(irc_server, channel, prompt = ">"):
        print prompt,
        line = raw_input()

        if line == "quit":

        privmsg(irc_server, channel, line)

def main():
    nickname = "nickhoge"
    username = "usr"
    realname = "realname"
    channel = "#test_channel"

    irc = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    irc_connect(irc, TARGET, PORT)

    login(irc, nickname, username, realname)

    join(irc, channel)

    pid = os.fork()

    if(pid == 0):#child
        client_interface(irc, channel)

if __name__ == "__main__":


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