"A book to train programming skills to fight in the world" Python code answer example --1.9 Rotation of strings

"A book to train programming skills to fight in the world" Python code answer example --1.9 Rotation of strings

table of contents

CHAP1. Arrays and strings

  1. Unique string
  2. Count the number of the same characters
  3. URLify
  4. Palindrome permutation
  5. One-shot conversion
  6. String compression
  7. Rotate matrix
  8. Matrix of "0"
  9. Rotate string

Python code answer example

def isSubstring(s1,s2):

    return s2 in s1

def isRotation(s1,s2):

    length = len(s1)

    if length==len(s2) and length>0:
        s1s1 = s1 + s1  
        return isSubstring(s1s1,s2)

    return False

input_str_1 = "waterbottle"
input_str_2 = "bottlewater"


input_str_3 = "waterbottle"
input_str_4 = "water"


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