"Book to train programming skills to fight in the world" Python code answer example --1.4 Permutation of sentences

"Book to train programming skills to fight in the world" Python code answer example --1.4 Permutation of sentences

table of contents

CHAP1. Arrays and strings

  1. Unique string
  2. Count the number of the same characters
  3. URLify
  4. Palindrome permutation
  5. One-shot conversion
  6. String compression
  7. Rotate matrix
  8. Matrix of "0"
  9. Rotate string

Python code answer example

def isPermutationOfPalindrome(phrase):

    phrase = phrase.lower()
    table = buildCharFrequencyTable(phrase)
    return checkMaxOneOdd(table)

def checkMaxOneOdd(table):
    foundOdd = False

    for count in range(len(table)):
        if table[count]%2 == 1:
            if foundOdd:
                return False
            foundOdd = True

    return True 

def getCharNumber(c):

    a = ord("a")
    z = ord("z")
    val = ord(c)

    if a <= val and val <= z:
        return val - a
    return -1

def buildCharFrequencyTable(phrase):
    table = [0] * 26

    for id in range(len(phrase)):
        c = phrase[id]
        x = getCharNumber(c)

        if x != -1 :
            table[x] = table[x] + 1
    return table

print(isPermutationOfPalindrome("Tact Coa"))

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