Python programming in Excel


windows8.1  python2.7


Use Excel like an IDE (Integrated Development Environment).

[Folder structure]

excel_python     |     |---code_gene.xlsx

【Excel】 I wrote a program that outputs a Fibonacci sequence. One cell in Excel becomes one indent in python. exce..png


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from excel import OpenExcel 

#File reading
f = OpenExcel('code_generation.xlsx') 

# cell_Add cell value to value for each row
cell_value = []
for row in xrange(1, len('A')) + 1):

#Substitute line feed code for line break only line
for row in xrange(len(cell_value)):
    kaigyo = ""
    for col in xrange(len(cell_value[0])):
        kaigyo += kaigyo + cell_value[row][col]
    if kaigyo == "":
        cell_value[row][0] = "\n"

#Code generation
for row in xrange(len(cell_value)):
    for col in xrange(len(cell_value[0])):
        if not len(cell_value[row][col]) == 0:
            print cell_value[row][col]
            print "    ",

Run this program. How to execute   python > & python

【Execution result】

1  1  2  3  5  8  13  21  34  55

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
def fib(n):
     if n < 2:
          return 1
          return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)

for i in xrange(10):
     print fib(i)


One line break in Excel becomes two line breaks in the output python file.

[Reference site]

Aim python library master (12) excel

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