** Hello world ** is the path for anyone learning programming. This time, we will compare five programming languages with a program to output such ** Hello world **. I chose a language that you probably don't use. ** is determined by ** arbitrary judgment and prejudice.
1.C It's a well-known language.
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
printf("Hello world\n");
2.Python The advantage is that you can write it concisely.
print("Hello world")
3.Ruby It's a language born in Japan.
puts "Hello world"
4.FORTRAN It's famous as the first high-level language. Did you still breathe ...
program hello
print *, 'Hello world'
end program hello
echo "Hello world\n";
that's all. What did you think? After all Ruby
was short. That is an advantage, isn't it? You read "PHP` ** echo **" as echo. I did not know that. Since I am a young person, there may be mistakes, so please let me know in the comments at that time.
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