[PYTHON] Hello World with Flask + Hamlish


Flask is a simple Python web framework. I think Sinatra is close to that in Ruby.

Flask uses a template engine called jinja2, which makes it feel like writing HTML in plain text. I'm used to HAML, so I tried using hamlish-jinja, which allows you to write HAML-like view templates in Flask.


$ pip install Flask
$ pip install Hamlish-Jinja

file organization

├── app.py
└── templates
    └── index.haml


from flask import Flask, render_template
from werkzeug import ImmutableDict

class FlaskWithHamlish(Flask):
    jinja_options = ImmutableDict(
        extensions=['jinja2.ext.autoescape', 'jinja2.ext.with_', 'hamlish_jinja.HamlishExtension']
app = FlaskWithHamlish(__name__)
app.jinja_env.hamlish_mode = 'indented'
app.jinja_env.hamlish_enable_div_shortcut = True

def index():
    return render_template('index.haml')

if __name__ == '__main__':


    %meta charset="utf-8"
      Hello World!
      Hello World!


$ python app.py

Now access localhost: 5000 on your web browser. You should see Hello World!. Flask seems to put templates in a directory named templates by default.

Difference from the original HAML

As the name implies, Hamlish is "HAML-like", not HAML itself. This article was helpful to know the difference.

Even in the above example, in HAML it should be % meta {charset:" utf-8 "}, but in Hamlish it is % meta charset =" utf-8 ".

Option specification

app.jinja_env.hamlish_mode = 'indented'
app.jinja_env.hamlish_enable_div_shortcut = True

An optional specification for Hamlish. Please see hamlish-jinja head family to see what kind of options are available.


I thought Flask was very compact and good. In addition, Hamlish seems to make your website fun and crisp.


Try using the web application framework Flask I learned a lot. Just by reading this, it seems that you can start building a small website immediately.


I always forget it. To have view file changes take effect without a server restart

$ FLASK_DEBUG=1 python app.py


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