[PYTHON] Hello World with Raspberry Pi + Minecraft Pi Edition


--Minecraft Pi Edition running on Raspberry Pi + Raspbian environment Display Hello World using the Python library mcpi

This environment

What is Minecraft Pi Edition?

Minecraft Pi Edition is a free version of Minecraft developed for learning programming on the Raspberry Pi.

Install Minecraft Pi Edition and mcpi

It's probably installed on Raspbian from the beginning, but if you don't have it, install the minecraft-pi package with the apt or apt-get command.

$ sudo apt install minecraft-pi
Loading the package list...Done
Creating a dependency tree
Reading status information...Done
minecraft-pi is already the latest version(0.1.1-6)is.

I think that the Python mcpi package (Minecraft Pi Edition API Python Library) is also installed, but if it is not there, install it with the pip command.

$ sudo pip install mcpi
Looking in indexes: https://pypi.org/simple, https://www.piwheels.org/simple
Requirement already satisfied: mcpi in /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages (0.1.1)
$ pip show mcpi
Name: mcpi
Version: 0.1.1
Summary: API for Minecraft Pi
Home-page: http://pi.minecraft.net/
Author: Mojang
Author-email: UNKNOWN
License: UNKNOWN
Location: /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages

Show Hello World in Minecraft World

Launch Minecraft Pi Edition and


Create a world and enter it.


Save the following source code and


from mcpi import minecraft
import mcpi.block as block

mc = minecraft.Minecraft.create("localhost")
pos = mc.player.getPos()
basex = int(pos.x) + 0
basey = int(pos.y) + 6
basez = int(pos.z) + 0

data = [
  "#  # ### #   #    ##   #   #  ##  ###  #   ### ",
  "#  # #   #   #   #  #  # # # #  # #  # #   #  #",
  "#### ### #   #   #  #  # # # #  # ###  #   #  #",
  "#  # #   #   #   #  #  # # # #  # # #  #   #  #",
  "#  # ### ### ###  ##    # #   ##  #  # ### ### "

for y, line in enumerate(data):
  for x, c in enumerate(line):
    if c == "#":
      mc.setBlock(basex + x, basey - y, basez, block.DIAMOND_BLOCK.id)

When you run

$ python hello-minecraft.py

HELLO WORLD with diamond blocks appears.


Reference material

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