[PYTHON] Pet monitoring with Rekognition and Raspberry pi

happy New Year. I'm Fujisaki, a dog idiot. I heard that Amazon Rekognition, a service that can recognize images, was released at the end of last year, so I played with it.

Motivation for creation

Surveillance cameras using motion sensors and Raspberry Pi have been made for a long time, but since they take garbage data with a little movement, only limited images such as dogs and family members are selected and left. After that, I wish I could erase it.


Make a surveillance camera with motion sensor & Raspberry Pi


[* Raspberry Pi *] It's summer! Let's make a cicada sound using a motion sensor I was allowed to refer to. Thank you very much. KIMG1860.JPG

Use fswebcam to link the Raspberry Pi and the USB webcam. I referred to the official page here.

Use os.system to call this from Python.


import time
from time import gmtime,strftime
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO



st = time.time()-INTERVAL
while True:
        if( GPIO.input(SENSOR_PIN) == GPIO.HIGH ) and (st + INTERVAL < time.time() ):
                st = time.time()
                strf = strftime("%Y%m%d-%H:%M:%S")
                strfile = strf + '.jpg'
                print("movement detected " + strf)
                os.system('fswebcam --no-banner /home/pi/myphoto/'+ strfile)

Give the captured image to S3

I used Boto3. After setting ~ / .aws / credentials etc. according to the document, add the part to upload to S3 in the loop of the above code.


import boto3
bucket_name = 'mybucket'
s3_client = boto3.client('s3')
s3_client.upload_file('/home/pi/myphoto/' + strfile ,bucket_name, strfile)

Now you are ready to go.

Let's play with new ones!

Use Rekognition to leave only a photo of my child

I tried the Rekognition demo. This time I'm interested in Object and scene detection. rekognitiondemo.JPG

Follow the Download SDK to read the documentation. Amazon Rekognition Developer Guide There was something I wanted on the 28th page of the PDF, so I will try it from the console once. Postscript: The HTML version was here. → [Exercise 1: Detect Labels in an Image (API)] (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/ja_jp/rekognition/latest/dg/get-started-exercise-detect-labels.html)

$ aws rekognition detect-labels --image '{"S3Object":{"Bucket":"mybucket", "Name":"mydog.jpg "}}' --region us-east-1 --profile default

The photo I used in the demo earlier returned a response like this.


    "Labels": [
            "Confidence": 98.25569915771484,
            "Name": "Animal"
            "Confidence": 98.25569915771484,
            "Name": "Canine"
            "Confidence": 98.25569915771484,
            "Name": "Dog"
            "Confidence": 98.25569915771484,
            "Name": "Husky"
            "Confidence": 98.25569915771484,
            "Name": "Mammal"
            "Confidence": 98.25569915771484,
            "Name": "Pet"
            "Confidence": 95.74263763427734,
            "Name": "Eskimo Dog"

(* Aside: Not an Eskimo dog or a husky, my child is a Kishu dog ...)

Try calling from the Python code above. Since os.system is used easily, I will do my best to escape quotes.


result = os.system("aws rekognition detect-labels --image \'{\"S3Object\":{\"Bucket\":\""+bucket_name+"\", \"Name\":\""+ strfile +"\"}}\' --region us-east-1 --profile default > temp.json")

Loop the return response and report "Canine found" if "Name" has "Canine" and "Confidence" is 55 or higher. ..


with open('temp.json') as json_data:
    data = json.load(json_data)
    for d in data["Labels"]:
        if (d["Name"] == "Canine" and d["Confidence"] > 55.0):
            print ("Canine found: " + str(d["Confidence"]))

(* At first, I set Confidence to about 95, but I set it to 55 because I don't go over 60 in a dark room photo.)

Then, the photos that the dog was not detected are excluded from S3.


            s3_client.delete_object(Bucket=bucket_name, Key=strfile) 

I will do it. KIMG1858 (1).jpg

$ python3 RekogDogCamera.py --- Opening /dev/video0... Trying source module v4l2... /dev/video0 opened. No input was specified, using the first. Adjusting resolution from 384x288 to 352x288. --- Capturing frame... Captured frame in 0.00 seconds. --- Processing captured image... Disabling banner. Writing JPEG image to '/home/pi/myphoto/20170103-00:08:15.jpg'. Canine found: 71.327880859375 20170102-23-57-58.jpg

I was able to take it!

The final file looks like this.


import time
from time import gmtime,strftime
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import json
import os
import boto3

#Specify the bucket to use
bucket_name = 'mybucket'


st = time.time()-INTERVAL
s3_client = boto3.client('s3')
while True:
         #If there is data inflow from the dog feeling sensor and the time interval is more than the specified time ...
        if( GPIO.input(SENSOR_PIN) == GPIO.HIGH ) and (st + INTERVAL < time.time() ):
                st = time.time()
                strf = strftime("%Y%m%d-%H:%M:%S")
                strfile = strf + '.jpg'
                #take a photo
                os.system('fswebcam --no-banner /home/pi/myphoto/'+ strfile)
                #Move the photos you took to your S3 bucket.
                s3_client.upload_file('/home/pi/myphoto/' + strfile ,bucket_name, strfile)
                #Ask Rekognition if there is a dog in the picture.
                result = os.system("aws rekognition detect-labels --image \'{\"S3Object\":{\"Bucket\":\""+bucket_name+"\", \"Name\":\""+ strfile +"\"}}\' --region us-east-1 --profile default > temp.json")
                #If there is a dog in the Json data returned from Rekognition ...
                with open('temp.json') as json_data:
                    data = json.load(json_data)
                    for d in data["Labels"]:
                        if (d["Name"] == "Canine" and d["Confidence"] > 55.0):
                                #There was a dog! And Confident
                                print ("Canine found: " + str(d["Confidence"]))
                                #If not, it will be mercilessly deleted.
                s3_client.delete_object(Bucket=bucket_name, Key=strfile)

# Clean Up
os.system('rm /home/pi/myphoto/* temp.json')

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