[LINUX] Raspberry Pi system monitoring

1. Contents of this article

We will introduce how to install Netdata as a method to monitor the system status of Raspberry Pi such as CPU and memory. Netdata is a mechanism that starts an HTTP server in a Docker container and accesses it with a browser from a Windows PC in the network to monitor it. If you can use Docker, you can use it on Linux environment even if it is not Raspberry Pi.

1-1. Usage environment

2. Netdata installation procedure and monitoring method

  1. Install Docker on Raspberry Pi
$ curl -sSL https://get.docker.com | sh
  1. Add user to docker group
$ sudo usermod -aG docker pi
  1. Checking the operation of Docker
$ docker run hello-world
  1. Start Netdata
docker run -d --name=netdata \
  -p 19999:19999 \
  -v /proc:/host/proc:ro \
  -v /sys:/host/sys:ro \
  -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro \
  --cap-add SYS_PTRACE \
  --security-opt apparmor=unconfined \
  1. Access from a browser (http: // : 19999 /) Changes in CPU, RAM, etc. are updated in real time (at intervals of about 1 second) on the browser. Netdata画面.png

After docker run, you can stop and restart Netdata by following the steps below.

$ docker stop netdata
$ docker start netdata

3. Uninstall Netdata

Since Netdata itself only imports Docker images, you only need to uninstall Docker.

$ sudo apt purge docker-ce
$ sudo rm -rf /var/lib/docker
$ sudo apt autoremove --purge

4. In the end

We have introduced Netdata to check the system status of Raspberry Pi in real time. Since you can export and print from the upper right of the page, you can record snapshots with these functions.

I tried to install it on Raspberry Pi 1, but the following message was displayed and the Docker container could not be started. It doesn't seem to support ARMv6. Please note that the same may be true for Raspberry Pi Zero.

5. Related links

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