[PYTHON] [2019 latest version] Programming language comparison

This article is [Unravel from the data! ] Thorough comparison of popular programming languages in 2019! is used as a reference.

In this article, from among many programming languages

Introducing which language is recommended from a ** data perspective **. スクリーンショット 2019-01-24 10.07.52.png First of all, looking at this graph, it seems that Swift users have the highest salary in ** 2016 ** annual points. (According to payroll statistics from indeed.com) This is followed by Python and Ruby in the ** 2016 ** yearly points.

The next graph is here. The job listings for ** 2016 **. (According to AngelList)

スクリーンショット 2019-01-24 10.08.03.png

** 2016 ** It seems that the demand for JavaScript is the top in the runner-up! Is this because both the front and back ends can be supported by JavaScript?

I will cover it with the first graph, but I will introduce another graph. It seems to be data from gooroo.io. スクリーンショット 2019-01-24 10.08.13.png

In ** 2016 **, the salary using Python seems to be the top. The runner-up is Ruby.

I will introduce the graph of the popular JavaScript framework that was very popular in the second graph.

The most popular is React, then Ember. Was ** Vue **? ** Vue ** in ** 2016 **? Even if there was, I think it was not well known.

I'm getting tired of it, so if you want to see the rest of the graph, please refer to the original article! ** 2019 ** Year There are many latest ** 2016 ** graphs!

スクリーンショット 2019-01-25 11.51.34.png

I will keep the update history for reference https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://techacademy.jp/magazine/8735

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