[PYTHON] Notes on neural networks

Note what I learned from "Deep Learning from scratch"

Loss function

Indicator of poor neural network performance In neural network learning, parameters are updated using the gradient as a clue.

Mean squared error

$ y_k $ is the number of neural network outputs, $ t_k $ is the teacher data, and $ k $ is the number of dimensions of the data. The output of the neural network can be interpreted as a probability. $ (0 \ leq y_k \ leq1) $ Also, $ t_k $ is a one-hot expression.

E = \frac{1}{2}\sum_{k}(y_k-t_k)^2

Cross entropy error

$ \ Log $ has a base of $ e $. $ y_k $ and $ t_k $ are the same as the sum of squares error. The closer the output $ y_k $ is to 1, the smaller the error entropy.

E = -\sum_{k}t_k\log y_k

Mini batch learning

A certain number of chunks selected from training data = mini-batch Learning is performed for each mini-batch.

Gradient method

Find the minimum value of the loss function using the gradient. Decrease the value of the function by repeating the process of traveling a certain distance in the gradient direction from the current location. To be precise, it is called the gradient descent method.

x = x - \eta \frac{\partial f}{\partial x_0}

$ \ eta $ is the amount of updates and is called the learning rate. Such parameters adjusted by human hands are called hyperparameters.

Stochastic Gradient Descent

Gradient descent for randomly selected data as a mini-batch.

Learning procedure

0. Premise

There are adaptive weights and biases. Applying this weight and bias to training data is "learning"

1. Mini batch

Part of the data is randomly extracted from the training data. Decrease the value of the loss function of the mini-batch.

2. Gradient calculation

To find the loss function of the mini-batch, find the gradient of each weight parameter.

3. Parameter update

Update the weight parameter in the gradient direction.

4. Repeat

Repeat steps 1 to 3.

Next time, we will implement a two-layer neural network.

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