[PYTHON] Notes for installing Sublime Text on Ubuntu



Install sublime Text3.

As the development of Python has increased, I thought that it was time to graduate from writing in Tab, so I searched for an editor and came across sublime, so I summarized it.

Maybe it's an editor I'll be working with for a long time, so I'll leave a note. It's dangerous when you get used to it

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/sublime-text-3 sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install sublime-text-installer

to start

With a command


Extend with Package Control.

In my environment, the script installation failed (for some reason an error in urllib2), so I installed it manually.

  1. Click Preferences> Browse Packages… to view the folders

  2. Insert the package downloaded with https://packagecontrol.io/Package%20Control.sublime-package into the folder opened in (1) as it is.

  3. Restart Sublime.

  4. Ctrl + Shift + P will bring up something, so type install and it's OK if there is Install Packeg

Allows you to enter in Japanese.

  1. Install related packages.

sudo apt-get install ibus-mozc

sudo apt-get install emacs-mozc

  1. Type in Add Repository with Ctril + Shift + P to select it, and in the place that appears below


To make the URL remember.

  1. Select "Sublime Mozc Input" from install pakeg with Ctril + Shift + P

  2. Try entering Japanese text into the text with Ctril + .

  3. I'm a Ctril + space sect, so edit the key shortcuts.

Click Preferences> Key Binding-User and click Add {"keys": ["ctrl + space"], "command": "toggle_mozc"}

  1. Hopefully super happy

Make a Japanese menu.

  1. Press Ctril + Shift + P and select "Japanize" from install pakeg to install.

  2. If you restart, it will be translated into Japanese.

Thanks to our predecessors

http://qiita.com/wakaba260/items/b2a1b40ccabc820917cb http://qiita.com/lunatea/items/53f4adcc6ea3f316e781 http://qiita.com/kanpou_/items/bc739c1215fc222f17c8 https://github.com/yasuyuky/SublimeMozcInput

Fine-tune Sublimit.


It's dangerous to be able to change the editor settings with JSON. Since the theme could be set separately on the text side and the menu side, the text is in black color and the menu is in white color, which is the best. I mean, it's a lot of learning how to make this GUI. In fact, Sublime seems to be a paid editor, and is it a fund-raising site often? I fly to, but I don't feel like paying for this. I made it well ... w

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