[PYTHON] Notes on installing PycURL


I used to use cURL normally when I wanted to retrieve website information on a text basis. I was wondering if it would be difficult to pick up the output and do this and that. But Python had a strong ally called PycURL. You can go with this! I was pleased with it ...


I get an error when I try to install and use PIP immediately. I forgot to copy the actual error, but I remember it as if it was an error like this.

pycurl: libcurl link-time ssl backend (nss) is different from compile-time ssl backend (openssl)

What I'm saying is that the SSL library at Compile and the SSL library at Link in libcurl don't match. It is necessary to match it.

From (Wikipedia) about Network Security Services

For the time being, the method I dealt with was as follows. Once I uninstalled pycurl and changed the SSL library to nss with the compile option of PycURL in the environment variable, it worked fine.

# pip uninstall pycurl
# pip install pycurl

in conclusion

Actually, I thought that this kind of thing should be put together in a blog or Qiita while dealing with it when I'm addicted to it. The moment I've been able to solve all the addictions, I forget about it, so I don't think I'll grow up.

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