[LINUX] Notes on installing Ubuntu 18.04 on the XPS 15 7590

2020/02/10 Re-installed from 19.10 to 18.04.

Until OS installation

How to enter the BIOS

Turn on the power and F2 on the POST screen (Is it correct to say EFI instead of BIOS now?)

BIOS settings

Make it AHCI Disable Secure Boot Make Fast Boot Thorough

Boot device selection

Turn on the power and F12 on the POST screen

OS installation

Install in safe graphics mode

Settings after installation, etc.

Japanese input

When I open Language Support, an incomplete language environment appears, so install it. After rebooting, you can add Mozc from Input Sources in Region & Language in Settings. After adding Mozc, restart it again and Mozc is enabled.

Set Caps Lock to Ctrl

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.input-sources xkb-options "['ctrl:nocaps']"

Sleep is strange

It sleeps but does not wake up. See [here] on the Arch Wiki (https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Dell_XPS_15_7590#Suspend). Don't forget to regenerate the configuration file by executing the following command after setting.

$ grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

Multi-touch gesture with touchpad

You can do it with libinput-gestures.

Right-click menu with two fingers

Install GNOME Tweaks from Ubuntu Software. You can set Mouse Click Emulation in Keyboard & Mouse to Finger.

Inertial scroll with two-finger scroll

Can not

Fingerprint reader

Not available


I installed Sophos Anti-Virus for Linux.

About Bluetooth headphones (apt-X)

I will write it later. Reference: https://blog.katio.net/page/linux-bluetooth

Regarding GPU

XPS 15 (7590) is exclusive control of NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 and Intel UHD Graphics 630. The GeForce driver is correct when Ubuntu is installed. (You may need to check for third-party software at the time of installation.)

On the driver settings screen, --Always use GeForce --Always do not use GeForce (always use Intel UHD Graphics 630) Can be selected. Automatic switching is not possible and GeForce always ON or always OFF 2 choices.

Regarding HiDPI

Only 100% / 200% / 300% / 400% can be selected. It seems that you can choose 150% with xrandr, but I have not tried it, and if GeForce is enabled, I run into the problem of ↓.

HiDPI for multiple displays

In my environment, I connect a 4K external display in addition to the 4K display of the main unit. Arch Wiki [here](https://wiki.archlinux.jp/index.php/HiDPI#.E5.A4.96.E9.83.A8.E3.83.87.E3.82.A3.E3.82. B9.E3.83.97.E3.83.AC.E3.82.A4),

Note: The above --scale 2x2 does not work on some Nvidia cards. No solution has been found so far [6]. This can be temporarily avoided by setting ForceFullCompositionPipeline = On in CurrentMetaMode using nvidia-settings. See [7] for details.

Scaling does not work well when using GeForce as written. If it is 100% or 200%, there is no problem, but if it is not, the desktop will be displayed outside the actual screen. I haven't tried a temporary workaround yet. (As of December 25, 2019)

CPU temperature acquisition

Use lm-sensors, write later.

Thumbnail display of video files in file manager

Use ffmpegthumbnailer, write later.

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