Notes on building TinyEMU and booting the Linux kernel on Emscripten

Last time (Prepare RISC-V development environment with buildroot and crosstool-ng), the kernel was started with qemu, so this time it works on the Web browser. Try starting it with TinyEMU (, which is a RISC-V emulator.


Seen from the parent kernel panic.


This time, I did not use TinyEMU standard I / O library at all, but tried to configure and start a VM from the C language side of Emscripten.

-** The boot loader must be the one that comes with TinyEMU **. The attached loader has been modified, and the console does not come out with a normal loader. --The build itself just builds with Emscripten 2.0.2 ʻemcc` and works with Emscripten standard HTML output.

Build TinyEMU

The build itself is not particularly difficult, and if you compile and output * .c appropriately, you can make something that works.

emcc jsemu.c softfp.c virtio.c fs.c fs_net.c fs_wget.c fs_utils.c simplefb.c pci.c ^
json.c block_net.c iomem.c cutils.c aes.c sha256.c riscv_cpu.c riscv_machine.c machine.c ^
--llvm-opts 2 -Wall -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -MMD -fno-strict-aliasing ^
-DCONFIG_FS_NET -O3 --memory-init-file 0 --closure 0 -s NO_EXIT_RUNTIME=1 ^
-s "EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=['_console_queue_char','_vm_start','_fs_import_file','_display_key_event','_display_mouse_event','_display_wheel_event','_net_write_packet','_net_set_carrier','_main']" ^
-s "EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS=[\"ccall\", \"cwrap\"]" ^
--js-library js/lib.js  -s WASM=1 -s TOTAL_MEMORY=67108864 -s ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1  ^
--source-map-base http://localhost:6931/ --preload-file kernel --preload-file bbl32.bin emmain.c -o run.html

Initial setup routine (so-called main)

In normal TinyEMU, VM setting is done from the JavaScript side, but it was a little inconvenient to unify with the native version, so I decided to prepare the main function.

The boot loader bbl32.bin and the Linux kernel kernel are once embedded in Emscripten's --preload-file application side and read by C language file I / O.

You can use the kernel built last time ( as it is, but the boot loader bbl32.bin comes with TinyEMU ( You must use the one from /diskimage-linux-riscv-2018-09-23.tar.gz).

TinyEMU specific (?) HTIF implementation

TinyEMU does not emulate so-called UART devices, but implements HTIF (Host-Target IF), which was implemented by Spike (RISC-V official emulator).

However, unlike other implementations such as qemu, TinyEMU's HTIF implementation has a fixed address, and the bootloader is patched to convey the address.

#define HTIF_BASE_ADDR 0x40008000
diff --git a/bbl/ b/bbl/
index 26f5816..615c3dc 100644
--- a/bbl/
+++ b/bbl/
@@ -43,15 +43,10 @@ SECTIONS
   _etext = .;
-  /* HTIF, isolated onto separate page                                  */
+  /* HTIF I/Os                                                          */
-  . = ALIGN(0x1000);
-  .htif :
-  {
-    PROVIDE( __htif_base = .);
-    *(.htif)
-  }
-  . = ALIGN(0x1000);
+  tohost = 0x40008000;
+  fromhost = 0x40008008;

A patch to this linker script fixes the addresses of tohost and fromhost.

volatile uint64_t tohost __attribute__((section(".htif")));
volatile uint64_t fromhost __attribute__((section(".htif")));

Originally, these addresses are acquired when the emulator loads.

In the first place, HTIF itself is an old specification, so it may not matter now, but I also want a more serious protocol.

Use HTIF at 32bit

Since HTIF is a 64-bit wide interface, it cannot be used with a 32-bit architecture. (If writing conflicts with two or more CPUs, it cannot be processed safely)

Since TinyEMU does not support multiprocessors, it seems that this area is not particularly concerned, ** By declaring the register with 32 bit width and making it a code that is activated at the timing when the upper word is written ** 32 bit / 64 bit Both are supported.

... qemu supports multiprocessors, so I don't think the same policy will work. ..


I was prepared that the RISC-V 32bit environment was prepared too recently and it is variously behind 64bit, but it is a bit that pure debugging I / F like HTIF does not support 32bit. It was unexpected.

TODO: You have to set -s SINGLE_FILE = 1 to distribute with npm, and make the kernel and bootloader provided externally.

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