[PYTHON] Notes on how to use pywinauto

Notes on how to use pywinauto

Check the operation with Notepad

Launch the app (Notepad)

c:\ python
Python 3.8.5 (tags/v3.8.5:580fbb0, Jul 20 2020, 15:57:54) [MSC v.1924 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from pywinauto import Desktop, Application
>>> #Launch Notepad
>>> app = Application().start('notepad.exe')

Display version information

Select "Version Information" from "Help" in the menu to display the version information screen.

>>> #help->Display version information
>>> app[u"Untitled notepad"].menu_select(u"help->version information")


Confirmation of existence of version information screen

>>> print ( app[u"Notepad version information"].exists() )

Get control information of version information screen

>>> window = app.top_window()
>>> window.print_control_identifiers()
Control Identifiers:

Dialog - 'Notepad version information'    (L690, T232, R1240, B711)
['Notepad version information', 'Dialog', 'Notepad version informationDialog']
child_window(title="Notepad version information", class_name="#32770")
   | Static - ''    (L716, T348, R1213, B350)
   | ['Notepad version information Static', 'Static', 'Notepad version information Static0', 'Notepad version information Static1', 'Static0', 'Static1']
   | child_window(class_name="Static")
   | Static - ''    (L710, T367, R747, B405)
   | ['Notepad version information Static2', 'Static2']
   | child_window(class_name="Static")
   | Static - 'Microsoft Windows'    (L759, T367, R1162, B386)
   | ['Static3', 'Microsoft WindowsStatic', 'Microsoft Windows']
   | child_window(title="Microsoft Windows", class_name="Static")
   | Static - 'Version 1809(OS build 17763.1397)'    (L759, T386, R1223, B405)
   | ['Version 1809(OS build 17763.1397)', 'Static4', 'Version 1809(OS build 17763.1397)Static']
   | child_window(title="Version 1809(OS build 17763.1397)", class_name="Static")
   | Static - '© 2018 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.'    (L759, T404, R1179, B423)
   | ['© 2018 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.Static', '© 2018 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.', 'Static5', '© 2018 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.Static0', '© 2018 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.Static1']
   | child_window(title="© 2018 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.", class_name="Static")
   | Static - ''    (L759, T423, R1179, B442)
   | ['© 2018 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.Static2', 'Static6']
   | child_window(class_name="Static")
   | Static - 'Windows 10 Enterprise operating system and user interface in the US and other countries/Protected by local trademarks and other intellectual property rights.'    (L759, T442, R1179, B517)
   | ['Static7', 'Windows 10 Enterprise operating system and user interface in the US and other countries/Protected by local trademarks and other intellectual property rights.', 'Windows 10 Enterprise operating system and user interface in the US and other countries/Protected by local trademarks and other intellectual property rights. Static', 'Windows 10 Enterprise operating system and user interface in the US and other countries/Protected by local trademarks and other intellectual property rights. Static0', 'Windows 10 Enterprise operating system and user interface in the US and other countries/Protected by local trademarks and other intellectual property rights. Static1']
   | child_window(title="Windows 10 Enterprise operating system and user interface in the US and other countries/Protected by local trademarks and other intellectual property rights.", class_name="Static")
   | Static - ''    (L759, T517, R1127, B555)
   | ['Static8', 'Windows 10 Enterprise operating system and user interface in the US and other countries/Protected by local trademarks and other intellectual property rights. Static2']
   | child_window(class_name="Static")
   | SysLink - 'This product is<A>Microsoft Software License Terms</A>It is licensed to the following people based on the conditions of.'    (L759, T554, R1127, B592)
   | ['This product is<A>Microsoft Software License Terms</A>It is licensed to the following people based on the conditions of.', 'This product is<A>Microsoft Software License Terms</A>It is licensed to the following people based on the conditions of.SysLink', 'SysLink']
   | child_window(title="This product is<A>Microsoft Software License Terms</A>It is licensed to the following people based on the conditions of.", class_name="SysLink")
   | Static - 'Windows users'    (L777, T592, R1145, B611)
   | ['Windows user Static', 'Static9', 'Windows users', 'Windows user Static0', 'Windows user Static1']
   | child_window(title="Windows users", class_name="Static")
   | Static - ''    (L777, T611, R1145, B630)
   | ['Windows user Static2', 'Static10']
   | child_window(class_name="Static")
   | Button - 'OK'    (L1136, T665, R1224, B691)
   | ['OKButton', 'OK', 'Button']
   | child_window(title="OK", class_name="Button")

Close the version information screen

Press the OK button to close the version information screen

>>> app[u"Notepad version information"].OK.close_click()
<win32_controls.ButtonWrapper - '', Button, 462076>

Display notepad control information

>>> app[u"Untitled notepad"].dump_tree()
Control Identifiers:

Notepad - 'Untitled-Notepad'    (L673, T177, R1770, B798)
['Untitled-Notepad', 'Notepad', 'Untitled-NotepadNotepad']
child_window(title="Untitled-Notepad", class_name="Notepad")
   | Edit - ''    (L681, T228, R1762, B766)
   | ['Edit', 'Untitled-Notepad Edit']
   | child_window(class_name="Edit")
   | StatusBar - ''    (L681, T766, R1762, B790)
   | ['Untitled-Notepad StatusBar', 'StatusBar   Windows (CRLF)', 'StatusBar100%', 'StatusBar', 'StatusBar 1 row, 1 column']
   | child_window(class_name="msctls_statusbar32")

Edit control found

Enter text in notepad

Write Hello World! And start a new line

>>> app[u"Untitled notepad"].Edit.set_edit_text(u"Hello World!")
<win32_controls.EditWrapper - 'Hello World!', Edit, 3672052>
>>> app[u"Untitled notepad"].Edit.type_keys("{ENTER}")
<win32_controls.EditWrapper - 'Hello World!
', Edit, 3672052>


Save Notepad As

>>> app[u"Untitled notepad"].menu_select(u"File->save as")
>>> #Specify Save As dialog
>>> dialog = app[u"save as"]
>>> #Set file name
>>> dialog.Edit.set_edit_text(u"test")
<win32_controls.EditWrapper - 'test', Edit, 593534>
>>> #Press the save button
>>> dialog[u"Save"].click()

Since the file name has changed, the title bar has also changed


Close notepad

Press Alt + F4 to close Notepad Alt key is "%"

Since the title bar has changed, change the designation from "Untitled Notepad"

>>> app[u"Test notepad"].type_keys("%{F4}")  # Alt + F4
<hwndwrapper.DialogWrapper - '', Notepad, 4261490>

Enumerate windows

>>> from pywinauto import Desktop
>>> top_windows = Desktop().windows()
>>> for w in top_windows:
...     print (w.window_text())

Connect to a launched app (Notepad)

Connect and view content

>>> from pywinauto import Desktop, Application
>>> app = Application().connect(path='notepad.exe')
>>> print ( app[u"Test notepad"].Edit.window_text() )
Hello World!

>>> print ( app[u"Test notepad"].Edit.texts() )
['Hello World!\r\n', 'Hello World!', '']
>>> print ( app[u"Test notepad"].Edit.text_block() )
Hello World!


Get the text of the specified line

>>> print ( app[u"Test notepad"].Edit.line_count() )
>>> print ( app[u"Test notepad"].Edit.get_line(0) )
Hello World!
>>> print ( app[u"Test notepad"].Edit.get_line(1) )


Get the text of the version information screen

>>> app[u"Test notepad"].menu_select(u"help->version information")
>>> for c in  app[u"Notepad version information"].children(class_name='Static') :
...     print ( c.window_text() )

Microsoft Windows
Version 1809(OS build 17763.1397)
© 2018 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Windows 10 Enterprise operating system and user interface in the US and other countries/Protected by local trademarks and other intellectual property rights.

Windows users



More information on the version information screen

>>> for c in  app[u"Notepad version information"].children() :
...     print ( c.get_properties() )   
{'class_name': 'Static', 'friendly_class_name': 'Static', 'texts': [''], 'control_id': 13095, 'rectangle': <RECT L618, T474, R1115, B476>, 'is_visible': True, 'is_enabled': True, 'control_count': 0, 'style': 1342177296, 'exstyle': 131076, 'user_data': 0, 'context_help_id': 0, 'fonts': [<LOGFONTW 'MS UI Gothic' -12>], 'client_rects': [<RECT L0, T0, R495, B0>], 'is_unicode': True, 'menu_items': [], 'automation_id': ''}
{'class_name': 'Static', 'friendly_class_name': 'Static', 'texts': [''], 'control_id': 12297, 'rectangle': <RECT L612, T493, R649, B531>, 'is_visible': True, 'is_enabled': True, 'control_count': 0, 'style': 1342177347, 'exstyle': 4, 'user_data': 0, 'context_help_id': 0, 'fonts': [<LOGFONTW 'MS UI Gothic' -12>], 'client_rects': [<RECT L0, T0, R37, B38>], 'is_unicode': True, 'menu_items': [], 'automation_id': '', 'image': <PIL.Image.Image image mode=RGB size=37x38 at 0x1B6F8DFBAF0>}
{'class_name': 'Static', 'friendly_class_name': 'Static', 'texts': ['Microsoft Windows'], 'control_id': 13568, 'rectangle': <RECT L661, T493, R1064, B512>, 'is_visible': True, 'is_enabled': True, 'control_count': 0, 'style': 1342177420, 'exstyle': 4, 'user_data': 0, 'context_help_id': 0, 'fonts': [<LOGFONTW 'Yu Gothic UI' -12>], 'client_rects': [<RECT L0, T0, R403, B19>], 'is_unicode': True, 'menu_items': [], 'automation_id': ''}
{'class_name': 'Static', 'friendly_class_name': 'Static', 'texts': ['Version 1809(OS build 17763.1397)'], 'control_id': 13579, 'rectangle': <RECT L661, T512, R1125, B531>, 'is_visible': True, 'is_enabled': True, 'control_count': 0, 'style': 1342177420, 'exstyle': 4, 'user_data': 0, 'context_help_id': 0, 'fonts': [<LOGFONTW 'Yu Gothic UI' -12>], 'client_rects': [<RECT L0, T0, R464, B19>], 'is_unicode': True, 'menu_items': [], 'automation_id': ''}
{'class_name': 'Static', 'friendly_class_name': 'Static', 'texts': ['© 2018 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.'], 'control_id': 13578, 'rectangle': <RECT L661, T530, R1081, B549>, 'is_visible': True, 'is_enabled': True, 'control_count': 0, 'style': 1342177408, 'exstyle': 4, 'user_data': 0, 'context_help_id': 0, 'fonts': [<LOGFONTW 'Yu Gothic UI' -12>], 'client_rects': [<RECT L0, T0, R420, B19>], 'is_unicode': True, 'menu_items': [], 'automation_id': ''}
{'class_name': 'Static', 'friendly_class_name': 'Static', 'texts': [''], 'control_id': 51715, 'rectangle': <RECT L661, T549, R1081, B568>, 'is_visible': False, 'is_enabled': True, 'control_count': 0, 'style': 1073741952, 'exstyle': 4, 'user_data': 0, 'context_help_id': 0, 'fonts': [<LOGFONTW 'Yu Gothic UI' -12>], 'client_rects': [<RECT L0, T0, R420, B19>], 'is_unicode': True, 'menu_items': [], 'automation_id': ''}
{'class_name': 'Static', 'friendly_class_name': 'Static', 'texts': ['Windows 10 Enterprise operating system and user interface in the US and other countries/Protected by local trademarks and other intellectual property rights.'], 'control_id': 13587, 'rectangle': <RECT L661, T568, R1081, B643>, 'is_visible': True, 'is_enabled': True, 'control_count': 0, 'style': 1342177408, 'exstyle': 4, 'user_data': 0, 'context_help_id': 0, 'fonts': [<LOGFONTW 'Yu Gothic UI' -12>], 'client_rects': [<RECT L0, T0, R420, B75>], 'is_unicode': True, 'menu_items': [], 'automation_id': ''}
{'class_name': 'Static', 'friendly_class_name': 'Static', 'texts': [''], 'control_id': 13581, 'rectangle': <RECT L661, T643, R1029, B681>, 'is_visible': False, 'is_enabled': True, 'control_count': 0, 'style': 1073741952, 'exstyle': 4, 'user_data': 0, 'context_help_id': 0, 'fonts': [<LOGFONTW 'Yu Gothic UI' -12>], 'client_rects': [<RECT L0, T0, R368, B38>], 'is_unicode': True, 'menu_items': [], 'automation_id': ''}
{'class_name': 'SysLink', 'friendly_class_name': 'SysLink', 'texts': ['This product is<A>Microsoft Software License Terms</A>It is licensed to the following people based on the conditions of.'], 'control_id': 13586, 'rectangle': <RECT L661, T680, R1029, B718>, 'is_visible': True, 'is_enabled': True, 'control_count': 0, 'style': 1342242816, 'exstyle': 4, 'user_data': 0, 'context_help_id': 0, 'fonts': [<LOGFONTW 'Yu Gothic UI' -12>], 'client_rects': [<RECT L0, T0, R368, B38>], 'is_unicode': True, 'menu_items': [], 'automation_id': ''}
{'class_name': 'Static', 'friendly_class_name': 'Static', 'texts': ['Windows users'], 'control_id': 13575, 'rectangle': <RECT L679, T718, R1047, B737>, 'is_visible': True, 'is_enabled': True, 'control_count': 0, 'style': 1342177408, 'exstyle': 4, 'user_data': 0, 'context_help_id': 0, 'fonts': [<LOGFONTW 'Yu Gothic UI' -12>], 'client_rects': [<RECT L0, T0, R368, B19>], 'is_unicode': True, 'menu_items': [], 'automation_id': ''}
{'class_name': 'Static', 'friendly_class_name': 'Static', 'texts': [''], 'control_id': 13576, 'rectangle': <RECT L679, T737, R1047, B756>, 'is_visible': True, 'is_enabled': True, 'control_count': 0, 'style': 1342177408, 'exstyle': 4, 'user_data': 0, 'context_help_id': 0, 'fonts': [<LOGFONTW 'Yu Gothic UI' -12>], 'client_rects': [<RECT L0, T0, R368, B19>], 'is_unicode': True, 'menu_items': [], 'automation_id': ''}
{'class_name': 'Button', 'friendly_class_name': 'Button', 'texts': ['OK'], 'control_id': 1, 'rectangle': <RECT L1038, T791, R1126, B817>, 'is_visible': True, 'is_enabled': True, 'control_count': 0, 'style': 1342242816, 'exstyle': 4, 'user_data': 0, 'context_help_id': 0, 'fonts': [<LOGFONTW 'Yu Gothic UI' -12>], 'client_rects': [<RECT L0, T0, R88, B26>], 'is_unicode': True, 'menu_items': [], 'automation_id': ''}

List the buttons on the version information screen

>>> #Number of buttons
>>> len( app[u"Notepad version information"].children(class_name="Button") )
>>> #Button information enumeration
>>> for b in app[u"Notepad version information"].children(class_name="Button") :
...     print ( b.window_text() + "  visible:" + str(b.is_visible()) + "  enabled:" + str(b.is_enabled()) )
OK  visible:True  enabled:True

Check the operation with Explorer

Open My Documents

Python 3.8.5 (tags/v3.8.5:580fbb0, Jul 20 2020, 15:57:54) [MSC v.1924 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from pywinauto import Application
>>> Application().start('explorer.exe')
<pywinauto.application.Application object at 0x0000021F459F0FD0>
>>> app = Application().connect(path='explorer.exe')
>>> #Connection confirmation
>>> app[u"Explorer"].exists()
>>> #My document folder path setting
>>> import os
>>> mydocument = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.environ['USERPROFILE']), 'Documents')
>>> #Open My Documents folder
>>> app[u"Explorer"].AddressBandRoot.type_keys(u"{ENTER}" + mydocument + "{ENTER}")
<hwndwrapper.HwndWrapper - '', Address Band Root, 264944>


Get the file list of My Documents

>>> from pywinauto import Desktop
>>> d = Desktop(backend='uia')[u"document"]
>>> d.ListBox.get_properties()
{'class_name': 'UIItemsView', 'friendly_class_name': 'ListBox', 'texts': [['', 'name', 'Update date and time', 'type', 'size'], ['', 'name', 'Update date and time', 'type', 'size'], ['', 'name', 'Update date and time', 'type', 'size']], 'control_id': 0, 'rectangle': <RECT L947, T306, R1605, B767>, 'is_visible': True, 'is_enabled': True, 'control_count': 5, 'is_keyboard_focusable': False, 'has_keyboard_focus': False, 'automation_id': '', 'column_count': 4, 'item_count': 3, 'columns': [<uiawrapper.UIAWrapper - 'name', SplitButton, -5173013587085247480>, <uiawrapper.UIAWrapper - 'Update date and time', SplitButton, 7405196887091890411>, <uiawrapper.UIAWrapper - 'type', SplitButton, 4224075079785634787>, <uiawrapper.UIAWrapper - 'size', SplitButton, 7052361179099937348>]}
>>> #The number of lines in the list is
>>> d.ListBox.item_count()
>>> #List display of list
>>> for i in d.ListBox.get_items() :
...     i.window_text()
'Office custom template'
'UISpy Settings'

Control names and hierarchical structure can be helpful by using a tool called UISPY. Download from this area https://github.com/blackrosezy/gui-inspect-tool


If you just want a list of files, you don't need to use pywinauto

>>> import os
>>> mydocument = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.environ['USERPROFILE']), 'Documents')
>>> for file in os.listdir( mydocument ) :
...     print( file )
My Music
My Pictures
My Videos
Office custom template
UISpy Settings

that? You can see hidden files that you can't see. ..

Move folder from My Documents

>>> d = Desktop(backend='uia')[u"document"]
>>> d.ListBox[u"Office custom template"].invoke()
<uia_controls.ListItemWrapper - 'Office custom template', ListItem, 8579292259166560630>

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