[PYTHON] Notes on creating static files in Django

Try using static files in Python

Try using files such as CSS and Js files in Python.

Set Nginx files

First of all, my server is a combination of Nginx + Gunicorn, so Set the distribution of Nginx

Create an address alias for / static

   location /static {
       alias /app/sampleProj/sampleProj/static;

Create a Django Static route

Then set up a static folder in Django Edit setting.py in the app


STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'sampleProj/static')
STATIC_URL = '/static/'

** * BASE_DIR is a constant set by Django. It will be the directory where manage.py exists ** You can set it with a relative path from the base directory.

Set Django's static configuration command

By default, Django sets static files in the Django installation folder installed by pip. So type the command to make the current folder a static file

python manage.py collectstatic

Complete with this! Sexual files such as CSS and JS have been set up in Django


You can check the added static file directory with the following command!

python manage.py findstatic .

Reference URL

Getting Started with Django | Settings for reading static files with Nginx https://dot-blog.jp/news/django-nginx-static-load/ Easy-to-understand explanation of BASE_DIR [This will give you an idea of the location and structure] https://codor.co.jp/django/about-basedir

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