[Golang] Notes on frequently used functions

About this article

Since I wrote it completely for myself, most of the explanations are small and easy processing, but I will update it as needed because it is used as a memorandum.

Cast from string


func atoi(a string) (b int) {
    b, err := strconv.Atoi(a)
    if err != nil {

Half-width space delimited string [] string

func aToSlice(a string) (b []string) {
    b = strings.Fields(strings.TrimSpace(a))

Half-width space-separated string [] int

func aToIntSlice(a string) (b []int) {
    c := strings.Fields(strings.TrimSpace(a))
    for _, v := range c {
        d := atoi(v)
        b = append(b, d)

String [] float64 separated by half-width spaces

func aToFloat64Slice(a string) (b []float64) {
    c := strings.Fields(strings.TrimSpace(a))
    for _, v := range c {
        d, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(v, 64)
        b = append(b, d)

Cast from slice to another type of slice


func toIntSlice(a []string) (b []int) {
    for _, s := range a {
        i := atoi(s)
        b = append(b, i)


func toStrSlice(a []int) (b []string) {
    for _, i := range a {
        s := strconv.Itoa(i)
        b = append(b, s)


Returns the absolute value as int

func abs(a int) (b int) {
    b = int(math.Abs(float64(a)))

Returns the maximum value of value from map [int] int

func findMaxValue(m map[int]int) (maxValue int) {
    var max int
    var maxIndex int
    for i, v := range m {
        if max <= v {
            max = v
            maxIndex = i
    maxValue = m[maxIndex]

Returns a slice of only the key with the maximum value from map [int] int

Go's associative array (map) is sorted and returned in ascending order because the order is different for each execution when using a range loop.

func findMaxValueKeys(m map[int]int) (maxKeys []int) {
    maxValue := findMaxValue(m)
    for i, v := range m {
        if v == maxValue {
            maxKeys = append(maxKeys, i)
    sort.Slice(maxKeys, func (i, j int) bool { return maxKeys[i] < maxKeys[j] })

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