Notes on python personally used things (input, trigonometric functions, logarithms)

I will write functions that I often use (personally) in university reports and AtCoder.

0. Those used for input in competition pros

One integer, decimal, and string are received as XX (input ()). XX is a type.

N = int(input)#integer
f = float(input())#a few
S = str(input())#String

If you want to receive multiple inputs in one line, use map (〇〇, input (). Split ()). If you forget split (), you will eat RE, so be careful. (Self-discipline)

a,b,c = map(int, input().split()) 
s,t,u = map(str, input().split())

When receiving the list at the end, use list (map (○○, input (). Split ())).

A = list(map(int, input().split()))
S = liat(map(int, input().split())

1. 1. Trigonometric function

Conversion of sin, cos, tan, frequency method, radian method The inside of () seems to be basically handled by the radian method. math.pi is pi.

import math 
x = math.pi/3
s = math.sin(x)
c = math.cos(x)
t = math.tan(x)
#s = 0.8660254
#c = 0.5000000
#t = 1.73205 

If you want to handle the arc degree method and the degree method, use math.radians and math.degrees.

import math
rad = math.radians(60)
deg = math.degrees(math.pi)
c = math.cos(math.radians(60))
#rad = 1.04710
#deg = 59.9999999
#c = 0.500000

2. Logarithmic function

You can use math.log (antilogarithm, base), but if you do not specify the base, the base is calculated by e or math. If the bases are 2 and 10, it seems that you can also write as below. Napier numbers can be used in math.e.

l_e = math.log(1)#The bottom is e(Napier number)
l_2 = math.log2(4)#The bottom is 2
l_10 = math.log10(1000)#The bottom is 10

l_3 = math.log(81,3)
#l_e = 0.0
#l_2 = 2.0
#l_10 = 3.0

#l_3 = 4.0

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