What to do if changes are not reflected after automatic deployment to EC2

The content is as the title says, but when I automatically deployed to EC2, the changes were not reflected and I was very impatient. I will keep it as a memorandum so that I will not be impatient when the same thing happens in the future.


AWS EC2 Ruby 2.6.5 Rails capistrano


Restart your EC2 instance. If you perform automatic deployment multiple times, the changes may not be reflected. In that case, restart the instance. The restart procedure is explained in an easy-to-understand manner in this article.


Don't forget to restart the database and Nginx when you restart the instance!

  1. Log in to your EC2 instance


hoge@MacBook ~ % cd .ssh  
hoge@MacBook .ssh % ssh -i Downloaded key name.pem ec2-user@Elastic IP associated with the relevant EC2 instance
  1. Restart the database (mariaDB this time) and Nginx


[ec2-user@ip-173-41-45-198 ~]$ sudo systemctl restart mariadb 
[ec2-user@ip-173-41-45-198 ~]$ sudo systemctl restart nginx

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