What to do if the background image is not applied after deployment

Background of writing this article

The background image is not displayed after deploying! When I looked it up, there were quite a few people like that.

Implementation environment

macOS Catalina 10.15.7 VS Code 1.50.0 Ruby 2.6.5 Rails 6.0.0 Server: AWS EC2 WEB server: Nginx Application server: unicorn 5.4.1


I was able to do this. After deployment, the background image will be displayed on the application etc. that went up to production.

① Store the background image in the "/ app / assets / images" folder

(2) Set the CSS type for specifying the background image to "SCSS".

③ CSS description to specify the background image "background-image: image-url (" image name ");"


body { 
  background-image: image-url("wallpaper.jpg ");

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