What to do if the update does not take effect after deploying Rails AWS


I think there are many people who have worked harder to deploy the apps they have created on AWS.

I also had a lot of trouble and succeeded in deploying on AWS.


How do you update this when you rewrite the code locally?

Of course ** Capistrano ** (I don't know anything because I haven't learned yet) It may be possible to deploy it automatically, but for the time being, I want to update it manually (?) Instead of automatically.

At first, I thought that it would be reflected if I logged in to EC2 and git pull in the repository of the app, but it was not updated.

The result of investigating

I looked it up, but I couldn't find the information I wanted, and I wonder if I'm the only one who has stopped for this. ?? ??

I was a little worried, but I wonder if this is somehow googled. I was able to find the information.

That was ** unicorn restart **.


$ ps -ef | grep unicorn | grep -v grep

Log in to EC2 and check the status of unicorn from the app repository.

hiroaki   6472     1  0 Aug26 ?        00:00:02 unicorn_rails master -c /var/www/rails/ride_on/config/unicorn.conf.rb -D -E production                                                                                          
hiroaki   7030  6472  0 Aug26 ?        00:00:10 unicorn_rails worker[1] -c /var/www/rails/ride_on/config/unicorn.conf.rb -D -E production                                                                                       
hiroaki   7051  6472  0 Aug26 ?        00:00:10 unicorn_rails worker[0] -c /var/www/rails/ride_on/config/unicorn.conf.rb -D -E production                                                                                       

If it is displayed like this, it is started, so Kill the unicorn master to stop it.

$ kill -9 6472

If you stop it, check it with this command, if there is no display, it is stopped

$ ps -ef | grep unicorn | grep -v grep

After that, start it with this command.

$ bundle exec unicorn_rails -c /var/www/rails/(app name)/config/unicorn.conf.rb -D -E production

When I checked it with this, the production environment was also updated properly ...!

I'm relieved that the update will be reflected for the time being, but I still don't understand AWS, so I'll study more ...

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