What to do if you select a JRE in Eclipse and get "The selected JRE does not support the current compliance level 11"

When I used Eclipse for the first time in a long time, I thought "What?", So make a note of it. It's natural if you understand it, but it's strange until you understand it.

--Environment --macOS Mojave version 10.14.5 - Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java Developers. Version: 2019-03 (4.11.0)

Event: I got a warning when I selected "java8" in [Installed JRE].

スクリーンショット 2019-06-06 22.53.02.png

Cause: You are leaving the compiler compliance level at the default

A message prompting me to change was displayed at the bottom of the screen. スクリーンショット 2019-06-06 22.56.40.png

Action: Change the compliance level of the compiler

  1. (Side menu> [Java]> [Compiler]) OR (Press the link in the above message)
  2. [JDK compliant]> [Compiler compliance level]> Change to "1.8" in this case
  3. Click the [Apply] button
  4. A message prompting you to rebuild is displayed> Click the [Yes] button

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