The selected JRE does not support the current compliance level of 15
Event: I was told something when I looked at the Eclipse settings
--Windows10 Pro version 1903
- openjdk version "11.0.2" 2019-01-15

Cause: It is different from the Java version set in the compiler.
Looking at [Java]> [Complier], it was "15" ...
Even here, it is said that When selecting 15 compliance, make sure to have a compatible JRE installed and activated (currently 11).

Action: Match the compiler to the version set for the installed JREs
- Preferences dialog> Java> Compiler
- Match [Compiler compliance level:] to the Java version set for the installed JREs> Apply with the [Apply] button
- The messages in [Installed JREs] and [Compiler] disappear.