[Note] What to do if bundle install in Chapter 3 of the rails tutorial is not possible

【environment】 windowsPC Run on aws cloud9

Rails Tutorial Chapter 3 I got an error when installing bundle, so I recorded it as a memorandum.

[Background] When executing bundle install, an error prompting bundle update was displayed, so when I executed it as instructed, the following error notation was displayed.

An error occurred while installing pg (1.1.4), and Bundler cannot continue. Make sure that gem install pg -v '1.1.4' --source 'https://rubygems.org/' succeeds before bundling.

[Tried] While googled, I found a statement that pg is not used in the rails tutorial (I wrote it just below the text), so I ran bundle install --without production again. However, this is also an error.

I tried running bundle update --without production, but it said Unknown switches'--without'. Learn that similar moves do not work for updates.

After that, when I ran bundle install --without production again, the installation was successful.

I'm not sure which one was addicted to success, but I would like to use it as one of the measures to be taken when the same situation occurs in the future.

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