Article creation date: 2020/07/21
Hello. My name is Okamu and I recently started studying programming. Since this is my first time posting an article, please understand that there may be some sloppy parts.
Now, let's get into the main subject. Ruby on Rails Tutorial In Rails6.0 (6th edition), I had a stumbling block while proceeding with the Rails tutorial, so I would like to share the stumbling block and the workaround I took.
Rails tutorial Rails 6.0 (6th edition) ← Paid guy
1.3.2 rails server
I stumbled upon the fact that the page displayed is different when I start the rails server in the chapter and display the Rails page.
↓ You should see a screen like this
↓ A screen like this has been displayed.
I stumbled in a place like the one above, but when I dealt with it while searching, I was able to display it, so I will explain how to deal with it. Simply put
--Drop Cloud9 --Open the aws management console and search for EC2 --Stop Cloud9 instance --When you display the screen in Cloud9 again, the screen as in the tutorial is displayed.
This is the method. It is difficult to explain if it is only words, so I would like to explain it with images below.
First, "drop Cloud9"
For Windows, press the x button, and for Mac, press the x button on the upper left with Cloud9 open.
Then "Open the aws management console and search for EC2"
This will open aws as if you opened Cloud9, enter "EC2" in the search field for the service, and open that service.
And "Stop the Cloud9 instance"
When you open EC2, you'll see a list of instances used by that account.
I think there is an instance with a green circle that says running, so check the check mark for that instance.
After checking, click the action button at the top of the screen, and a menu will appear. Click "Instance status" → "Stop".
Then you will get the following warning, but please ignore it and press the "Stop" button.
If you go through the above steps and display the screen in Cloud9 again, the screen as in the tutorial will be displayed.
I was able to display it this way.
I hope it will be helpful to everyone.