[PYTHON] Make a curtain generator in Blender


I made a program to generate a curtain image with blender. The original story is [How to make 3D from 2D — A story that it was surprisingly cool when I tried running Blender in the server --pixiv inside](http://inside.pixiv.net/entry/2015/09 / 24/173447).


Version: 2.74, Rendering engine: cycles


First, start blender and blender1.png

Create a landscape with curtains. This time, the room is simply a room with curtains, and the white curtains are lace curtains that allow the light from the outside to pass through. By the way, I referred to Modeling with Cloth Simulation in Blender --YouTube for how to make curtains. It is explained in a very easy-to-understand manner. blender2.png


Materials are set for each of the left and right curtains. The material names should be curtain.left and curtain.right.

  1. Set texture
  2. Rendering
  3. Output as png

This process is done programmatically. Written in python, it looks like this:

import sys
import os
import bpy

# How to pass command line arguments to a Blender Python script? - Blender Stack Exchange
# http://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/6817/how-to-pass-command-line-arguments-to-a-blender-python-script
argv = sys.argv
[left, right, out] = argv[argv.index("--") + 1:]  # get all args after "--"

def update_filepath(material_name, filepath):
    t = bpy.data.materials[material_name].node_tree.nodes.get('Image Texture')
    t.image.filepath = filepath

update_filepath('curtain.left', os.path.abspath(left))
update_filepath('curtain.right', os.path.abspath(right))

bpy.data.images['Render Result'].save_render(filepath = os.path.abspath(out + '.png'))

When you do this

$ blender --background path/to/file.blend --python path/to/script.py -- left.png right.png rendered

This is what it looks like! I got a little noise, but I don't have time so far. out.png


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