"Wow responder is fun!" Although it is good to make an application with responder based on interest, "What? How do you make this resident ???" I ran into a problem, and even if I looked it up, I had a hard time without hitting it, so I will summarize it.
In conclusion, it was really easy. The environment is ubuntu 18.04.
Replace service_name
with your own service name. * Anything is OK as long as it does not overlap
sudo vim /etc/systemd/system/service_name.service
Description = Responder Service #Description of daemon
After = network.target
User = #Execution user name
WorkingDirectory = /opt/responder_path/ #path with python script
ExecStart = /opt/responder_path/app.py #python script path
Restart = always
Type = simple
WantedBy = multi-user.target
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart service_name.service
sudo systemctl status service_name.service
Success if you can access the Web.
There are some articles that make Daemons in the same way, but it didn't work. The problem is that User was not specified as a addictive point. It may be that my installation method is bad, but if I am root, the path to responder does not pass, so I had to specify the execution user ...
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