[LINUX] I made a daemon with Python

I made a daemon with Python, so a memo of the procedure


environment version
OS 2020-05-27-raspios-buster-arm64
Python 3.7.3
python3-systemd 234-2+b1

What i did

  1. Install python-systemd
  2. sudo apt-get install python-systemd python3-systemd
  3. Create ~ / foo.py with the following contents
from systemd import journal
journal.send('Hello world')
journal.send('Hello, again, world', FIELD2='Greetings!', FIELD3='Guten tag')
journal.send('Binary message', BINARY=b'\xde\xad\xbe\xef')
  1. Grant execute permission
  2. chmod 755 ~/foo.py
  3. Create a systemd definition file as follows
  4. Write the following content as sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/foo.service
Description = Foo

ExecStart = python3 /home/pi/foo.py
Restart = always
Type = simple

WantedBy = multi-user.target
  1. Enable the daemon
  2. sudo systemctl enable foo.service
  3. Start the daemon
  4. sudo systemctl start foo.service
  5. View the journal
  6. systemctl status roomenv.service
  7. Success if some log comes out
  8. If you write sudo in ʻExecStart`, it will not work (it seems to work with root privileges)

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