I made a BOT that displays an image with a line. Please add it to the group line or the conversation of your friends and use it. The image is pulled from Google's image search and displayed. "It's a waste to buy stamps" or "I don't sell stamps of that cartoon line" Please use it instead of the stamp in such a case.
Register as a friend from the link below.
If you add "." To the end of the character, the image will be displayed.
If you do not add ".", The image will not be displayed.
Add "x" to the end of the word to switch to image change mode.
If you paste the image here, it will be changed.
If you enter "Hello." In this state, the changed image will be displayed.
This change will be reflected to all users, so
The "Hello" image changed here will be displayed when another person inputs "Hello" in the future.
Enter "Usage" to display commonly used words.
Type Update to see the image modified by the user.
-Maybe I will write how to make a line bot with python with reference to this.
I don't use stamps or emoticons so much, so I wanted to have a lively conversation on the line. Please comment if you have any requests or problems.
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