[PYTHON] I made COVID19_simulator with JupyterLab

COVID19_simulator This is a program that simulates infections such as coronavirus. --Language: Python --Developed by JupyterLab (.ipnyb) --I use a library called ipycanvas (note that it is quite difficult to install)

Former story

--This article "[Why can outbreaks such as coronaviruses expand rapidly and how can they" flatten "the curve?" (Https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2020/health / corona-simulation-japanese /) "

I thought that I would like to play with this parameter for a moment. I wondered if anyone could make it with Notebook, but I couldn't find it, so I made it (・ ω ・)


-It is demoed at This Tweet. This is a video. You can switch the rate of waiting at home in 3 steps and see how the infection rate changes.

github https://github.com/PythonBeginners/Meetup027_COVID19_simulator/



ipycanvas is quite a songwriter, so please do your best to install it! Even if the installation was successful, the last COVID-19_simulator gave an error, so please read the comments in Notebook for details and move it.

If you can't solve it

Troubleshooting when hands-on at Python Beginners Okinawa # 27 held online on Saturday, March 28, 2020 I am. If the above does not solve the problem, [Official slack](https://join.slack.com/t/python-beginners-oki/shared_invite/enQtNDc0NTc2NjcwODE4LTk2NWU2MDk4MGQ5ZGM0MDI0MDcwMTk0ZGMwMDg3MmU2Njc3Nj

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