I made a weather forecast bot-like with Python.

I made a weather forecast bot-like with Python.

As the title suggests, I made a weather forecast bot-like with Python (not a bot). I was thinking "I wish I could send it on LINE" because I was tired of checking the weather forecast, but my predecessors had already done it, so I made it with wisdom (almost plagiarism). Saw.

What i did

・ Get Yahoo weather information by scraping ・ Display the information obtained by scraping with LINE Notify


Installation of required libraries

$pip install beautifulsoup4
$pip install requests

Get token

Issue a token with LINE Notify.


import urllib.request
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

line_notify_token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'#Use the issued token.
line_notify_api = 'https://notify-api.line.me/api/notify'

rssurl = "https://rss-weather.yahoo.co.jp/rss/days/3410.xml"#This code gets the weather information for Sendai.

URL = "https://weather.yahoo.co.jp/weather/jp/8/3410/8201.html"

tenki = []
detail = []

def Parser(rssurl):
   with urllib.request.urlopen(rssurl) as res:
      xml = res.read()
      soup = BeautifulSoup(xml, "html.parser")
      for item in soup.find_all("item"):
         title = item.find("title").string
         description = item.find("description").string
         if title.find("[ PR ]") == -1:

def Otenki():
    for i in range(0,2):
        message = tenki[i]
        payload = {'message': "\n" + message}
        headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + line_notify_token}
        line_notify = requests.post(line_notify_api, data=payload, headers=headers)


Execution result

IMG_8243.jpg It made me happy that it was sent firmly.


Actually I wanted to do automation using AWS, Heroku, but I can not handle it if I jump in without any knowledge and receive a high bill, so I left it so far this time lol. You may try installing the schedule library. It was fun to be able to do various things without knowing when I tried to move it myself.

Also, I would like to update this article while acquiring skills.

Reference article

[Yahoo! Weather Replacement Version] How to get weather information with LINE Notify + Python LINE notification of weather forecast in Python

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